The Donnas--Spend The Night

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Classified Forum Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
Reaction score
Washington, NC
Artist: The Donnas
Title: Spend The Night
Released: 2002
Record Label: Atlantic
Genre: Rock / Pop

Pop-Punk Divas Gone Wild...

Imagine if the Ramones had been born female. Sprinkle some of Green Day's attitude, pour on a little of Pat Benetar's slinky, sexually-charged stage presence, and shake on ten times the "hottie" factor of all the current "pop-chick" starlets combined, and you've got the Donnas. They rock as hard and sweet as they look, and their lyrics are as dangerously engaging and straightforward as your wildest high-school dreams.

If grungy guitars, driving drums, gritty suggestive lyrics and punky harmonies are what you like then this is a disc to add to your "must have" list. If you've ever told someone to "turn it down", maybe you should steer clear of the Donnas though, because this girl-group has an almost irrestable power to make you want to twist the volume up, up, up, well past the "polite neighbor" level.

There is an air of "grrrl power" to this whole album, the sort of empowered 21st century "strong woman attitude" that is a threat to the establishment on all levels. But the "grrrl power" that the Donnas flex is MUCH more genuine and legitimate than the silly, annoying, and obviously manufactured pablum that groups like Spice Girls tried to pawn off on us in the '90's. The Donnas songs break all the molds that society fabricated for "nice girls"--they call out pushy guys for the punks they are, they see themselves as sexual (and sensual) equals to their male peers in ALL ways, they acknowledge the confusion of relationships and society in general, and they know what they want (most of the time) and take it...

Gritty, powerful, and basic--this is NOT a manufactured, pre-packaged, commercially viable "girl band". The Donnas are what rock-n-roll becomes when it's put in the hands of 4 strong, slightly naughty young women who are witty writers and talented musicians. There isn't a lot of post-production wizardry here--and that's the way it should be. With the Donnas, you get pretty much what you see--raw talent, strong driving grooves, and a flagrant thumb of the nose to the status quo of the primarily male-consumer-targeted rock music industry. The Donnas are like that sweet, sweaty whiff of perfume you get at the back of the room at a Cramps concert--you KNOW it's your "dream girl", but it's a little hard to believe she'd be THIS cool.

Get it. Crank it. Tell the neighbors to bugger off if they complain.

But you might not want your pre-teen daughter to listen to it just yet...



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