Kruppy said:
Do you have any more comments on your Arici and PS Audio additions? I know you added both at the same time so it might be difficult to say what improvements, if any, were attributable to which component. Satisfied?
You also mentioned a while back a funny story about the fella you either bought your rack from or was going to buy a rack from, care to share?
Bob (Kruppy)
It is really hard to tell which made the bigger difference in my system Bob. I mean there was a noticable improvement when I finished putting everything on the suspension stand but I added the Power Director the same time. All I can do is give them both equal credit. The difference is even hard to explain. It is almost as if the sound is cleaner or more pure. The entire soundstage opened up more than I ever expected. I have played a lot of music and listened in what is certainly the
sweet spot in the room and when you close you're eyes, you can point to the different instruments!
The funny story
When I was looking to purchase the Arcici, I looked all over the internet, audiogon, & eBay. There was a guy on audiogon (Wegrzyn Loudspeaker) that was evidently a dealer and we went back and forth with emails negotiating a price. During this process, I found another dealer out of MO that was willing to sell me the Arcici for $150.00 less then this guy's lowest price. Since I had been dealing with him so much, I felt that I should give him another opportunity to "sharpen" his pencil. I thought you might enjoy reading the chain of emails. I have put them in the order they were sent back and forth. His last email is something else, I was totally stunned when I read it.
My email telling him about the other dealer's price
Hello Walter,
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I did a search on line today and found a couple of dealers that were under your price by a hundred or so including shipping. My problem is that Arcici does not have a dealer in Indianapolis, IN. I found you on Audiogon. Just realized that I didn't need to tell you that. Will "oops" suffice? Now that we are over that, let me get to my point. If your price is more competitive with others out there, I would prefer to buy through Audiogon as it would help to build my feedback rating up. I am not interested in the smaller rack as it will not suit my needs. Shoot me a number and if it's something that will work for me, we can consummate this by the end of the week. I have a flight out in the morning but will be back home early Friday morning. We could finish this up then if your number is right.
Again, thank you for your promptness.
His response
Hello Mark-
Thank you for getting back with us. It is appreciated. I did a search for 'ARCICI' on all major search engines & come up with nobody that is advertising Arcici pricing; not even me. What do you have, a search engine on steroids?
If you are able to pay with a bank cashier's check or postal money order (or any type money order), then I can offer you my absolute lowest price (SEE REASON FOR THIS PAYMENT TYPE BELOW):
$1,999.99 (includes shipping)
Reason I offer this lower cash price is that we lose 5% for taking credit cards. That's just Bank of America's current merchant rate for credit cards. Check my reputation in Audiogon, under the username of: wegrzyn11 to see that we are honest & have people send us cashiers checks & money orders all the time. If we 'screw' just one person, nobody in AudiogoN would buy from us. Reputation is that crucial & important. We will post you a very positive AudiogoN feedback once you receive the Arcici Suspense S-1 rack.
You are right in that your reputation in AudiogoN, feedback-wise, means everything in used hi-fi buyer & seller "TRUSTWORTHYNESS". You have only 3 positive feedbacks & have a good start going. Let's build on that with this transaction, if you are comfortable with it. We have 95 positive feedbacks (no negatives or neutrals), & should have many more positives, but a good percentage of AudiogoN buyers are lazy & don't leave feedback, for whatever reason. You sometimes have to beg them to post feedback. You are not obligated in AudiogoN to leave feedback; it is just recommended & a gesture of good faith.
If the above cash price looks good, here's our info:
Make Payable To: Wegrzyn Loudspeaker Company
Send Payment To:
Wegrzyn Loudspeaker Company
Attention: Walter M Wegrzyn
138 West Tenth Drive
Mesa, AZ 85210-3613
Wegrzyn Loudspeaker Company
Phone: 1-480-464-5547
My email declining his offer
Thank you for getting back with me and I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I am going to pass on your offer. I appreciate your words regarding feedback on Audiogon. I agree that positive feedback is very important. Since your last message I have found another dealer that has a price that saves me substantial money over your offer without restriction on payment type. As much as I want more positive feedback, I simply cannot justify paying additional monies for it. I hope this makes sense to you.
Again, thank you.
His reply to the above email
Hello Mark-
It doesn't make sense! Who's the dealer & what's his price? Quit beating around the bush, otherwise your just a non-verifiable bullshitter. I don't believe you for a minute.
Your behavior is not typical for an AudiogoN member. You haven't gone through the learning curve yet & still suffer from I don't know, e-bay mentality? Sorry & have a good life!
I so wanted to reply to the above message but my mother's words kept ringing in my head "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".
Hope this wasn't too long wind'd.