System #82 (CLS IIz, Theater, Depth)

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Chuck Lee

Active member
Feb 22, 2005
Reaction score
Chuck Lee,
Welland Ont. Canada
Martin Logan CLS 11z, Theatre, Depth,
Purchased 2001
EAD processor, DVD and power amp,Marantz 61 inch RPTV
Bring on the movies


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Your CLSiiz system looks beautiful...


I second that, Welcome to the ML Club!
You have a great looking system. From the photo of your system, it seems your system maybe up-stairs, as I see the cieling is slightly angled. How is the sound imaging? I'll bet it is better with the angled cieling. What are your HT room dimentions? I like the looks of your hardwood floors with the CLSiiz's. Is your Depth behind the listening area? or off to the side?

The pink color of your walls seems to make the black Theater i stand out. It looks wonderful... :D IMHO, I always like the look of pink with black equipment. It's like leather and lace. They look good together... ;)
Robin said:
IMHO, I always like the look of pink with black equipment. It's like leather and lace. They look good together... ;)

LOL... that's a good one! :D

BTW, nice system Chuck!
Here is my second system, music only. Another pair of CLS11Z, the Depth sub, VPI Scout turntable, Meitner CD3,Sutherland PHD, Blue circle BC3 MK11 pre-amp, Classe DR 8 mono blocks,Furman 20 amp balanced line conditioner, Shunyata Hydra 2, Aries interconnect, Cardas Golden Hex speaker wire,Foundation Resource LC2 power line conditioners, 2 -20 amp dedicated lines, one just for the amps.
I used to have Meadowlark Heroni as my main listening speakers with no sub, but now they are my rear surround speakers.I would like to stack my 2 pair of CLS to make one killer stat in the music only room.


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Wow... Two systems, Awesome...


Your music system is as cool or cooler than your HT system... :D OK it's official... I'm very envious that you have two beautiful systems, one dedicated to HT and the other dedicated to two channel music, both in separate but dedicated listening environments. How cool is that... two sets of CLSiiz ML speakers to top it off. Your systems are wonderful and truly inspiring, great photos too. My question is how did you manage to accomplish building two totally awesome systems? How long did it take? Which one did you start developing first, the music system? or the HT?

I had planned to eventually have two systems in one, all-be-it in the same room, but after seeing your two excellent systems, maybe I should re-think my position and consider two separate dedicated rooms... :confused:

Fantastic systems Chuck... :D


Hi Chuck,

Congratulations for your nice systems. I like both but have a preference for the second one (music only): what a fantastic combination of components you have there !! Listening to music through it must be quite rewarding.

Thanks for sharing !
Thank you for your kind words.It took a few years to put the systems together. Initially the home theatre was all Martin Logan and that was where both pair of CLS were put to use for about 3 years.I had a pair of stacked Quad ESL 57 in the music room as well as a pair of Meadowlark Heron i speakers.I sold the Quads but then missed the sound of electrostats so moved the Meadowlarks upstairs and brought a pair of CLS and the Depth sub down. This mean't buying a Paradigm sub for the theatre.I am fortunate to have a wife who understands,and by the way the home theatre is her retreat, mine is the basement room.
positioning the Depth w/ CLS's

When you finally decide to put those CLSs up 12" on some proper Sound Anchor stands (or if as you seem to prefer, concrete blocks ;~(( you will know what the CLSs are really capable of, and wonder what took you so long. (It took me 10 years, I don't know why, but please don't make the same mistake!) And they're such solid, beautifully built stands. A great buy at $500/pr.

Also, if you're willing to move your equipment table (back), then you can move the Depth back until it's exactly in the same plane as the two CLS's. In that position, with phase = 90 deg., x-over @ 35 Hz, and CLS's running full range, (no high pass -- not necessary w/ CLS's), You will get an incredibly seamless and beautifully balanced response. (see my system for the new pic.)


PS: Don't forget to get the CLS's up on Sound Anchor stands, I promise you'll be thrilled with the improvements in imaging and midrange clarity.
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