1. Member Name: Meng Chan
2. Location: Singapore
3. ML Model(s): Electromotion ESL
4. Year Purchased: 2015
5. Mods/Changes: None.....so far.
6. Associated Electronics:
YBA Integrated Amplifier Heritage A100
Rega RP3 Turntable
Schiit Mani Phono Stage
Schitt Modi 2 Uber DAC fed by an Apple TV/iTunes
Kimber 8TC speaker cables
Kimber PBJ RCA interconnect
Crystal Cable Micro Diamond RCA interconnect
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
Got started on a very modest setup comprising a NAD D3020 amplifier with PSB Alpha B1s. Was shopping around for an upgrade and was seriously considering the Harbeth Super HL5s and Naim Nait amplifier. I walked in to the shop carrying the MLs and the rest is history. So life like so real.
These are my first pair of MLs and also my first pair of high-end speakers. I cannot be happier. I'm never looking back.
8. An image of your system. (see below on how to include an image into your post)
2. Location: Singapore
3. ML Model(s): Electromotion ESL
4. Year Purchased: 2015
5. Mods/Changes: None.....so far.
6. Associated Electronics:
YBA Integrated Amplifier Heritage A100
Rega RP3 Turntable
Schiit Mani Phono Stage
Schitt Modi 2 Uber DAC fed by an Apple TV/iTunes
Kimber 8TC speaker cables
Kimber PBJ RCA interconnect
Crystal Cable Micro Diamond RCA interconnect
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
Got started on a very modest setup comprising a NAD D3020 amplifier with PSB Alpha B1s. Was shopping around for an upgrade and was seriously considering the Harbeth Super HL5s and Naim Nait amplifier. I walked in to the shop carrying the MLs and the rest is history. So life like so real.
These are my first pair of MLs and also my first pair of high-end speakers. I cannot be happier. I'm never looking back.
8. An image of your system. (see below on how to include an image into your post)

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