1. Member Name: John Oster
2. Location: Davis, CA, US
3. ML Model(s): Theos, Motif
4. Year Purchased: 2012
5. Mods/Changes: none
6. Associated Electronics: Definitive Technology ProMonitor 1000 surrounds; Marantz 8801 pre/pro;Parasound Halo A51 power amp; Oppo BDP 105 Blu ray/SACD player; Stax SR 404/SRM 717
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience: This is is my second set of ML speakers. I once had a pair of ReQuests, but my new wife thought they overwhelmed the living room, so I sold them
and bought a pair of B&W 804s. When the Theos came out, and were considerably smaller than the ReQuests, she "allowed" me to buy them!
2. Location: Davis, CA, US
3. ML Model(s): Theos, Motif
4. Year Purchased: 2012
5. Mods/Changes: none
6. Associated Electronics: Definitive Technology ProMonitor 1000 surrounds; Marantz 8801 pre/pro;Parasound Halo A51 power amp; Oppo BDP 105 Blu ray/SACD player; Stax SR 404/SRM 717
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience: This is is my second set of ML speakers. I once had a pair of ReQuests, but my new wife thought they overwhelmed the living room, so I sold them

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