1. Member Name: randerson3024 (Bob Anderson)
2. Location: Middle East, Far East
3. ML Model(s): CLS, Descent i (2 at home)
4. Year Purchased: 2006, 2011
5. Mods/Changes: None to the speakers.
6. Associated Electronics:
Home: VPI TNT, ET2.5, Kiseki Lapus Lazuli, Koetsu Urushi Wajima, Van Den Hul Myrtlewood Colibri, Esoteric D-03/P-03/G0-Rb, Aesthetix Rhea, EAR 868, Krell Audio Standards, Audio Research 300.2, Magnum Dynalab Etude SE, Magnepan 20.1's, Martin Logan CLS's, Avalon Arcus, Shunyata Hydra V-Ray, Hydra 8, Hydra 2 & Anaconda power cords, Purist Audio Dominus speaker cables, Crystal Dream, Siltech, and Nordost Valhalla interconnects, and Zoethicus stands.
At Sea: Esoteric DV-60, RSA B-52, SRA Stand, EAR HP-4, Krell KSA 5, Rowland 102, Sumo Charlie, Olive 4HD, Oppo NuForce BDP, Genesis Digital Lens, Stax SRM-600SE, Stax 507's, Sennheiser HE 60s & HE 90's, Sennheiser HD 800's, AKG 702's, Denon 7000's, Ultrasone Edition 8's, Beyer T-1 Teslas, Sennheiser HD 650's, Shunyata Hydra 8, Anacondas, Crystal Dream.
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience: I looked forever to find a subwoofer that would mate with my Maggie 20.1's, and love the Descents. I also am fond of just listening to the original CLS's. I swap between them, Arcus, and Maggies. Now that the 20.7's have been released, I need to decide between them and the CLX's.
8. An image of your system. I don't have recent pictures of my home gear, but I do have an older one of my shipboard set up. I am in the middle of some changes, namely the Bryston BDP-1 and BDA-1 I have on order. I will update the photos when they all arrive.
2. Location: Middle East, Far East
3. ML Model(s): CLS, Descent i (2 at home)
4. Year Purchased: 2006, 2011
5. Mods/Changes: None to the speakers.
6. Associated Electronics:
Home: VPI TNT, ET2.5, Kiseki Lapus Lazuli, Koetsu Urushi Wajima, Van Den Hul Myrtlewood Colibri, Esoteric D-03/P-03/G0-Rb, Aesthetix Rhea, EAR 868, Krell Audio Standards, Audio Research 300.2, Magnum Dynalab Etude SE, Magnepan 20.1's, Martin Logan CLS's, Avalon Arcus, Shunyata Hydra V-Ray, Hydra 8, Hydra 2 & Anaconda power cords, Purist Audio Dominus speaker cables, Crystal Dream, Siltech, and Nordost Valhalla interconnects, and Zoethicus stands.
At Sea: Esoteric DV-60, RSA B-52, SRA Stand, EAR HP-4, Krell KSA 5, Rowland 102, Sumo Charlie, Olive 4HD, Oppo NuForce BDP, Genesis Digital Lens, Stax SRM-600SE, Stax 507's, Sennheiser HE 60s & HE 90's, Sennheiser HD 800's, AKG 702's, Denon 7000's, Ultrasone Edition 8's, Beyer T-1 Teslas, Sennheiser HD 650's, Shunyata Hydra 8, Anacondas, Crystal Dream.
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience: I looked forever to find a subwoofer that would mate with my Maggie 20.1's, and love the Descents. I also am fond of just listening to the original CLS's. I swap between them, Arcus, and Maggies. Now that the 20.7's have been released, I need to decide between them and the CLX's.
8. An image of your system. I don't have recent pictures of my home gear, but I do have an older one of my shipboard set up. I am in the middle of some changes, namely the Bryston BDP-1 and BDA-1 I have on order. I will update the photos when they all arrive.

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