System #394 (Monolith III)

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Well-known member
MLO Supporter
Apr 21, 2011
Reaction score
Name: Frank Zawacki
Location: Newington, CT, USA
Room: Approx 12' x 18'; damped with upholstered furniture, drapes , carpeting, etc.;
M-L Model: Monolith III
Purchased: 1989 (Pre-owned)
Electronics: * Esoteric UX-3 Universal Player;
*Art Audio / David Gill "Alana" Tube Preamp;
* Pass Labs XA-160 Solid State Monoblocks mounted on Target (not Taarzhay!) amp stands;
* Harmonic Technology "Photon" Interconnects with custom EVS power supply;
* Magnan Signature Speaker Cables;
* PS Audio P-300 Power Regenerator (for CD player & Preamp);
* PS Audio Quintessence Power Conditioner (M-L power supplies, etc);
* PS Audio Ultimate Outlet for A/C to P-300;
* PS Audio Duet for A/C to amps;
* Dedicated duplexes wired in phase directly to master panel with 10 gauge;
Sound Treatment: * ASC Tube Traps in corners behind speakers;
* RPG Diffusers on wall behind listening position;
* Absorptive panels (ex-office dividers) at first reflection and rear corners;
Rack: * All black Salamander Design 30" + 40" (stacked) with perforated doors and sides which gives nice, if imposing, look to system IMHO;
Installation: * Speakers mounted on Aurios Super isolation footers which are on 1" thick aluminum plates; plates are over carpeted hardwood floor with "pucks" to level;

Cue up the theme for "2001: A Space Odyssey"!


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