1. Member Name: Mark B
2. Location: Dallas, Texas
3. ML Model(s): Source SE, Encore TF
4. Year Purchased: 2010
5. Mods/Changes: New owner Mod
6. Associated Electronics:
AVR= Sony STR-DA50ES (Soon to be replaced)
Source= Mainly Apple TV, Wii, Cable box, PS2
Cables= Belden 5T00UP from Blue Jeans (net jacketed/assembled by me)
Display= Hitachi L55s603
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I fell in love when I first saw/heard ML's at a friends house a few years ago. They have been on my wishlist ever since!
8. Excuse the lousy picture, and the less than ideal room/positioning.
2. Location: Dallas, Texas
3. ML Model(s): Source SE, Encore TF
4. Year Purchased: 2010
5. Mods/Changes: New owner Mod
6. Associated Electronics:
AVR= Sony STR-DA50ES (Soon to be replaced)
Source= Mainly Apple TV, Wii, Cable box, PS2
Cables= Belden 5T00UP from Blue Jeans (net jacketed/assembled by me)
Display= Hitachi L55s603
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I fell in love when I first saw/heard ML's at a friends house a few years ago. They have been on my wishlist ever since!
8. Excuse the lousy picture, and the less than ideal room/positioning.

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