Joe, this is a decent sized room. The low ceiling will definitely give you more bass reinforcement as the room volume is much less than what you are currently using for your speakers. With Summits you may not need a subwoofer since they have two power bass drivers each. You should try the system as it is and see how you like the bass energy. If it seems sufficient for two channel listening, then you are set. If you seem to be missing the lowest octave impact, then I would start out with only one sub, off to one side.
Thanks again for the feedback. I really want the ceiling raised from the wall where the speakers are, back to about 15 feet, which is where the duct work is, but the "builder" still insists I should keep the hight at the same level throughout. There is a beam running through the listening area mayve 10 feet from the wall, messing things up! I've never heard Summits in a room with such a low (7')ceiling.
Your opinion again please . . . .
I am thinking of putting additional R13 insulation in the joists overhead from the front wall, to about 4 feet behind where the couch will go. I cannot do all of the 'bays" as there are a couple of heating runs in the area as well as some other obstacles. Still, I could do a substantial amout of ceiling. I did put the insulation in both side walls, the front wall and the three small 18" back walls. There are two arches about 6 feet wide in the back. There is an 18" return wall, then the open arch, a center 18" wall, another open arch, and then another 18" return wall. Speaker wire was run to the sides and the back center. The walls of course will be dry walled.
THE question is, would putting R13 in the ceiling deaden the room too much? Help or hurt the bass response?
I can't wait for this project to be finished. Dry wall sanding comes next. Needless to say my Summits and equipment will be covered soon
