Well-known member

2. Location: Austin, Texas
3. ML Model(s): Clarity, Cinema
4. Year Purchased: 2004, 2006
5. Mods/Changes: nope
6. Associated Electronics:
Sonos ZP80, Sony BDP-S470
both feeding Benchmark DAC1 (optical from Sonos, coax from DVD)
Outlaw 950 Pre/Pro
Outlaw 1070 amp
Klipsch dipole surrounds (can't remember the model)
REL Strata III sub
Time Warner cable box
Sony BDP-S470 BluRay
Panasonic VCR/DVD (using to consolidate and upscale <HD device and covert to HDMI)
All feeding my HD Fury HDMI->VGA converter
Runco IDP980 Ultra (very nice 1080i)
106" 16x9 screen (gain = 1)
Moster Power 3500
7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
Finally made it into the new house, and I'm slowly installing and tweaking the setup to get back to where I was in the old house. This room is a little more condusive to good aucoustics (sloped walls, etc), although I haven't yet closed the large entryway to the room. This is causing some echo from the rest of the house, and the occasional, "turn it down!" from the wife. The speakers are a little wider than I'd like, due to the screen size.
2/16/13 Update: after several years, equipment is dialed in. Installed heavy drapes, which really helped with back wave and other room reflections.
To do's (looking less likely anytime soon):
Tube amp for the front L/R
Larger Logans (someday)
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