Summit versus SL3

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Feb 7, 2009
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green bay
Hi I am considering an upgrade but would like to know the main differences. I do not have a local ML dealer so before I start to make the trip I would appreciate any input.
I currently have SL3's hooked up to a Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. The bass blends very well. The speakers are well away from the front and side walls.
Soundstage is both deep and wide.
I have listened to the Vandersteen 5a's and Quatro's both the wood and non wood. the Vandersteen's sound great however they are missing the level of transparency as the ML.
I am looking for more overall realism and dynamic range. The SL3's always seemed a little light.
I am also considering the Revel Studio 2's.
So any input would be appreciated for the following comparisons
Mainly the
SL3 with 2Wq versus the Summit's
Summit's versus Vandersteen 5A
Summit's versus the Revel Studio 2

Hi S and welcome.

I had the SL3's w/o sub before buying the Summits.

If you go with the Summits, you can, for all practical purposes, sell the sub for two channel listening.

You state that your sub blends well with the SL3's. One of the many things the Summit does well is the panel / bass module integration. With the help of the 25 and 50HZ controls, you will be able to get a seemless bridge and the bass / mid bass is well defined, quick, and powerful.

Given the going price for used Summits, you are probably looking at $4K out of pocket if you sell the SL3's and the sub. For the $4K, you will get a phenomenal speaker, with great dynamic range, that will wipe the SL3 / sub combo in all respects, assuming the rest of your hardware is up to the task.

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Summits are worlds better than a SL3 . All of the above!