Speakers: Long Term Storage Methods?

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2016
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Northeast PA
Now that I own a pair of reQuests, I'm getting ready to 'retire' my beloved Dahlquist DQ10's. I don't see myself ever... ever, selling them, but there's only room for one pair, and the ML's won out.

I'm wondering if any of you guys have recommendations on how to store speakers for the long(er) term. Does the method of storage make a difference if the drivers are dynamic (cone) or ESL panels? I presume it make sense to keep 'em in a lower temperature environment such as a basement, rather than in a hot attic, yes?

I was thinking that I would place the DQ10's in one of those heavy-duty contractor trash bags, zip tie it on top, then put 'em into the original boxes, which I still have. But I'm wondering if I ought not to put in some desiccant gel, and if so, where would I find a package large enough for the speakers?

Just looking for pointers to help make sure when I open the package again that everything will be the way it's supposed to be.

Thanks in advance!
It's the woofer foam surround you need to worry about, and short of depriving it of oxygen there's not much you can do!
SELL THEM while they'll still worth something.
The woofers have already been refoamed by Regnar, and the crossover was recapped. I don't think I'll sell them because I don't see getting more than $300-ish, so I'd rather keep them, or gift them to a friend in need.

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Now that I own a pair of reQuests, I'm getting ready to 'retire' my beloved Dahlquist DQ10's. I don't see myself ever... ever, selling them, but there's only room for one pair, and the ML's won out.

I don't have any particular help on the storage but back in the 70's I did have a pair of DQ 10's with subs. I really liked that system and think about it at times. They were part of my first real system after college. I regret selling them but needed the money to move on eventually. I totally agree with you keep them if you can but do bring them out or find a room so you can enjoy them also maybe in the basement or spare room upstairs???
never had the pleasure to hear DQ-10's but have read so much about them and how special they were.. I'd hold onto them.
I don't have any particular help on the storage but back in the 70's I did have a pair of DQ 10's with subs. I really liked that system and think about it at times. They were part of my first real system after college. I regret selling them but needed the money to move on eventually. I totally agree with you keep them if you can but do bring them out or find a room so you can enjoy them also maybe in the basement or spare room upstairs???
Unfortunately I don't have room, or equipment enough, to have two systems in my home at this time. Though they do have amazing performance rivaling speakers three or more times their price, there's still better out there. I auditioned them side-by-side against the reQuests and though the DQ10s where nice, they just didn't have the finesse or holography of the Martin Logans. Then again, we're talking about comparing speakers that were at one time $1200 for the pair against speakers that were $5000 for the pair. Still, it's amazing what Dahlquist and Marantz did with a little clever design that could squeeze such impressive results out of relatively ordinary components.

never had the pleasure to hear DQ-10's but have read so much about them and how special they were.. I'd hold onto them.
Agreed. They're something of a legend in the business, and I wouldn't get any money to speak of. If anything, I'd rather 'lend' them to a friend or family member who would appreciate and enjoy them.

Still curious about best practices for storage, though. I tried putting them into one of those heavy-duty contractor bags, but the bag wasn't large enough, so they're just packed in the original cartons and are in my (finished) basement which is climate-controlled. Hopefully that'll keep 'em in good shape until the day of resurrection.
so they're just packed in the original cartons and are in my (finished) basement which is climate-controlled. Hopefully that'll keep 'em in good shape until the day of resurrection.

I would think this would be fine.. Make sure the cartons are off the floor in case of water intrusion into your basement and you should be OK.
Keeping them playing occasionally would be the best for them. If in storage orient them so the woofer is vertical, so the surround and spider can't sag under gravity.
Hello, hammerhead, they seem to be like an old friend, never kick a friend when they are down! Enjoy your Requests, and bring the D10's out once in a while for 'old times sake. You do not need to give them special storage for now, you seem to have a good handle on that. I applaud you for gifting them to a friend, that's what I would do...plus, you would still be able to go for a listen !!
Just did the same.
Really enjoyed my DQ-10's
The Quests bring that fun back!
Placement listening multiplied!
Just did the same.
Really enjoyed my DQ-10's
The Quests bring that fun back!
Placement listening multiplied!

Amazing how even after all these years they still 'hold their own' against speakers that cost multiples of their price. Seems a shame to sell 'em, but I can't find a friend to lend them to. Maybe I'll post them on US Audio Mart and see what happens.