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Well-known member
Sep 13, 2007
Reaction score
doylestown, oh
I am having a problem with my SL3's and Scripts where the upper panel (stat) slides down over the lower grile (woofer). I'm having to take them apart and move the upper panel back up i know they have a tab to stop the panels from coming down but now the upper panel is coming down and the lower panel is not moving. thanks for any suggestions.
The lower part is just a grill for the woofer. You need to take off the rails that are securing the panel, and put a square angle 90 degrees. With the aid of a soft mallet, first hit from bottom to top. There are some models that you have to hit from top to bottom. You will find a velcro at top, secure the panels cables, taking care for a possible pinch ,put back the rails. Put one square right at the edge of the bottom of panel, and secure it with a couple of screws to the woof of the speaker and your are done. Happy listening, R.

Roberto: i already have the tab installed at the bottom to prevent slippage on my SL3's and Scripts. i need something to keep the stat panel from coming down over or behind the bottom panel. same thing is happening to my scripts.
I use velcro with great results... just cut the velcro in straps for about 1 cm X 15 cm on both sides of each stat panel and the other velcro part to the body or cabinet of the speaker. Hope this can help.

reberto could you please send me a diagram on where to put the velcro to control my slippage on the stat panels. thanks