I'm new to the forum and have a Newbie question I'm hoping you ML experts :bowdown: can help me with. I've recently purchased my first set of ML speakers (Vista's) from Loganlove and both my wife and I are just in awe of the sound we get out of them. However I currently have a Denon 3805 powering them and I know I'm not getting any where near the sound out them that I could. Which leads me (rather long windedly) into my question. As I'm looking at dedicated amps on Audiogon what do you suggest as being the best bang for the buck? My current leanings are towards a Sunfire Grand Cinema, Proceed Amp 3 or 5, or a Bryston 4B. Any insights into these 3 amps would be greatly appreciated and If anyone has any other suggestions in the $1000-$1500 used range that they feel would be a better fit I'd love to hear of them.