New regional audio show in Tampa Feb 2019!

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
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Tampa, FL
Those of us in the Southeast will have a new Audio Show to attend next year!

Some members of the Suncoast and Sarasota Audio Societies have joined forces to get this going! It's still in the early planning stages, but they already have a number of major exhibitors lined up (but not ML, yet <g>).

Unlike the one-time Axpona Jacksonville show in 2012, I hope this pans out to become an annual event.
Nice to see some event closer to home. But still a flight to get get there. Thanks for the heads-up.
Wow! ML will be there! I wonder what speakers they'll be demo'ing and what they'll pair it with?

This is really shaping up to be a fantastic regional show!
Good news! One more reason to plan to go. The other one being Florida in early February ;)
FYI, Muraudio will also be demo'ing at the show. Hope some of you in the SE will be able to attend!
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Alan, FWIW, I just might be able to make it. I have rail management meetings and a quail hunt at the Brosnan Forest outside of Charleston starting on the 10th, an easy train ride away !
Nice! I'd be happy to host a listening session at my home (~20 mins from venue) for you, and any other MLOC members attending.
For any of you heading to Tampa for the show, here's the extended weather forecast for the Expo weekend!

For anyone that wants to get into the warmth of the sun next February, the first Florida Expo was a great success.

There is vast information if you do an internet search.

Think about putting it in your plans for next 2020.