New Member that could really use some help.

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May 31, 2020
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Hi there everyone,
I'm Winston from Lakewood WA and I am a proud owner of a Martin Logan Depth I subwoofer. I really love watching movies in my little theater setup that I have in my living room. It's not professionally done but I try my best to get help wherever I can. I am not at all technically efficient enough to understand all the dynamics of EQ's and Hz and all that wonderful stuff. Because I am so technically challenged in this area I feel that I am loosing out on getting the best sound performance from my set up. I am hoping to get any kind of help or advice from this forum. Please forgive me if I seem long winded as I am brand new to this forum.
Here's what I have in terms of my home theater setup and from my description all I want is someone to recommend to me a basic setting for my ML Depth I.
My listening room is about 15' x 12' and I have a setup suited for Dolby Atmos. Two large fronts, one large powered center, two surround, two rears, four high ceiling speakers and two front height speakers. Then there's the ML Depth I. My two front speakers are the Definitive BP10 non powered set as Large. The center is a Definitive CLR 3000 powered by itself and set to Large.
I have no idea how to set my subwoofer on the ML Depth I.
I am using an Emotive XMC2 Processor with two Emotiva Power Amps each being 7 channel amps.
I mainly enjoy movies in either Blu-ray or 4K coming out of an OPPO UHD-203 player.
I am providing all this info in the hopes that it will be useful to someone who can help me out.
I really appreciate any help I get and thank everyone in advance.
Please stay safe.


  • Martin Logan_Depth_i.pdf
    1.4 MB
  • bp10b.pdf
    99.7 KB
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

Nice gear, and yes, some small setup tweaks should improve things.

First, the choice of running the three fronts as large. I would say the center definitely should be set to small, crossover at 70Hz or above. Yes, I know the specs says it goes lower, but it will sound much cleaner (with better dialog intelligibility) if set to cross-over the low-end to the sub.
My center channel is the biggest around these parts (see my sig) and it is set for small, and crossed over at 70Hz.
For L/R, I'd likewise try them set for small, and then experiment with the crossover point you find works best for you. I'd think 50Hz or so would be fine.

As far as Depth setup, 1) use the LFE input of the Depth. Set phase to 0. The processor will do all further adjustments. 2) set the volume based on an SPL measurement during the setup process, follow the Dirac instructions. 3) set all other controls to their default / 0 positions.

Location of the sub: in a room of those dimensions, centered on the front wall is likely the best. Right under the center channel if possible. Tell us more about the layout and location options for the sub.

Have you run a Dirac Setup on the system yet?

You will need to re-run Dirac after changing the speaker settings and moving the sub.
Geez, setting up a sub is simple, set it to the volume YOU like for movies and music. Voila! Its done. Unless I'm missing something here..........
Geez, setting up a sub is simple, set it to the volume YOU like for movies and music. Voila! Its done. Unless I'm missing something here..........

yeah, you're missing quite a bit actually, Eq as it relates to the room in which it resides not to mention location and along with that Eq, where it interacts with your main L/R speakers, cut off, slope..........
I guess I'm spoiled. My setup sounds great. Starts off with ML speakers and Sub.........:) I did play with my left right speaker placement and was surprised how easy it was to get them to sound good. But I'm in a small one bedroom apartment. It's so easy it is like cheating. :)