New Dynamo owner with/ easy question

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Dec 14, 2008
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New Dynamo owner with easy question

I just installed my new Dynamo, which I'm using to reinforce the lowest bass of my Strata Minis and extend the bottom end just a little. So far I like what I'm hearing, but am uncertain how to install the ETC spikes. It looks like you have to pry the rubber feet out of the base, but they put up so much resistance that I'm fearful of damaging them, especially during the return period.

If someone could give me a little advice on this little task, I'd be grateful.
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Thanks very much VanDaRo and tsmooth. It just never occurred to me that the material the rubber feet are made of would be thread-molded. It seems too grippy, and there's no obvious way to grab the feet to unscrew them. I'll try it tonight using blunt pliers, and I'm sure it will work.

Thanks again.