Aaron S
Hello all! As of a few days ago, I haphazardly became the owner of a mint pair of oak CLS IIa's. I was in Spokane, WA on business and after finishing work for the day, an associate had Craigslist up on his laptop and I spotted these sitting proudly in the middle of a bunch of 'Sony XPlod subs' and '13" TV/VCR combo' type-ads.
The seller's place was just a couple of minutes off the interstate on the way to the hotel, so I went over to check them out and after an hour or so of listening and confirming they were fully operational, ended up walking out the door with them for his asking price of $1195. Normally, I research my purchases infinitely better than this one, but this just kind of happened.
Which brings me here...
...and after reading the wealth of info, I must admit to one part excitement (due to their potential), and probably two or three parts trepidation (due to their somewhat long list of requirements).
Having extremely limited knowledge of ESL's beforehand, I really had no idea that the panels 'go bad' over time. As to upkeep, I just contacted the original owner and he has NEVER vacuumed the panels.
Examination shows that the first 5-6 rows of grille perforations on the top and 8-9 rows on the bottom have the little "dust blob dots". What is the correct procedure for vacuuming the panels?
The thing I may have going for me is that these particular panels have basically been stored in their boxes half of their lives and used very sparingly as an attraction of sorts at parties for the other half. The seller seems like a stand-up guy and said they really have been used very little. Still, a little research would have been good knowledge to have pre-purchase.
I am more of a home-theater guy, but have always enjoyed two-channel. The plan for these upon purchase was to run them in a dedicated two-channel rig located in my home theater room; which is an under-construction bonus room above the garage that measures 21'L x 12'W with a 6'-10' peaked ceiling. I will be able to pull them 4' out from the front wall but am concerned about the width. Is this limited width going to be problematic for these speakers?
If so, I have another option as we are planning on finishing a loft area above our kitchen that would allow me to place them along a 25' wall and never have to worry about side reflections again. This project is even further down the road than finishing the theater, so back to their boxes they would go.
I knew going into it that I would be wanting some dedicated gear to run these, but I did not know just how finicky they apparently are. Wow, they seem to be amp-killers. Two channels of my lowly mid-fi 5 channel Parasound amp (200 wpc @ 4 ohms) can attest to that after a little listening session last night.
I've never felt that thing get so hot...it was as if it thought it was a Class A amp or something. Any recommendations for a nice high current amp that won't break the bank?
Also, the seller (the second owner that bought them from a buddy that was a dealer) said that he is near-positive that the electronics were sent back to ML for a "$6-700 dollar upgrade" right before he purchased them in '93 -- I'm thinking this may have been for the upgrade to 'Z' status? Is there any way I can confirm/deny this by looking into the electronics box?
They are certainly shy on bass for the way that I like to listen. I will be pairing them with an infinite baffle subwoofer...I actually had 8 of the same 15" drivers that JonFo on here uses, but just sold a pair to a guy so he could make a four-driver IB. I'm leaning towards selling the remaining 6 and picking up four 18's. Infinite baffle bass seems like it will be a truly excellent match up with these full panels.
The seller's place was just a couple of minutes off the interstate on the way to the hotel, so I went over to check them out and after an hour or so of listening and confirming they were fully operational, ended up walking out the door with them for his asking price of $1195. Normally, I research my purchases infinitely better than this one, but this just kind of happened.
...and after reading the wealth of info, I must admit to one part excitement (due to their potential), and probably two or three parts trepidation (due to their somewhat long list of requirements).
Having extremely limited knowledge of ESL's beforehand, I really had no idea that the panels 'go bad' over time. As to upkeep, I just contacted the original owner and he has NEVER vacuumed the panels.
The thing I may have going for me is that these particular panels have basically been stored in their boxes half of their lives and used very sparingly as an attraction of sorts at parties for the other half. The seller seems like a stand-up guy and said they really have been used very little. Still, a little research would have been good knowledge to have pre-purchase.
I am more of a home-theater guy, but have always enjoyed two-channel. The plan for these upon purchase was to run them in a dedicated two-channel rig located in my home theater room; which is an under-construction bonus room above the garage that measures 21'L x 12'W with a 6'-10' peaked ceiling. I will be able to pull them 4' out from the front wall but am concerned about the width. Is this limited width going to be problematic for these speakers?
If so, I have another option as we are planning on finishing a loft area above our kitchen that would allow me to place them along a 25' wall and never have to worry about side reflections again. This project is even further down the road than finishing the theater, so back to their boxes they would go.
I knew going into it that I would be wanting some dedicated gear to run these, but I did not know just how finicky they apparently are. Wow, they seem to be amp-killers. Two channels of my lowly mid-fi 5 channel Parasound amp (200 wpc @ 4 ohms) can attest to that after a little listening session last night.
Also, the seller (the second owner that bought them from a buddy that was a dealer) said that he is near-positive that the electronics were sent back to ML for a "$6-700 dollar upgrade" right before he purchased them in '93 -- I'm thinking this may have been for the upgrade to 'Z' status? Is there any way I can confirm/deny this by looking into the electronics box?
They are certainly shy on bass for the way that I like to listen. I will be pairing them with an infinite baffle subwoofer...I actually had 8 of the same 15" drivers that JonFo on here uses, but just sold a pair to a guy so he could make a four-driver IB. I'm leaning towards selling the remaining 6 and picking up four 18's. Infinite baffle bass seems like it will be a truly excellent match up with these full panels.