My PS Audio P10 saved my butt tonight

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Jul 8, 2006
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Huntsville, Alabama
I was watching one of the Star Wars movies tonight on my home cinema system. It's an 11.3 channel system with a lot of power, hooked up to three banks of my PS Audio P10 Power Regenerator. My batteries for the Marantz pre/pro remote were going dead and it was acting a little squirrelly, but I didn't think much of it. During the loud finale music at the end of the movie, I tried to turn the volume down a notch, but it started ramping down too fast. Without thinking, I hit the volume up switch to bring it back up a little. Bad idea!
It started racing up to full volume and I couldn't stop it. I'm pressing the volume down key to no avail. Then I start fumbling for the DVD remote in the dark, hoping to shut it off. It's quickly approaching max volume, we are all freaking out expecting the speakers and/or our ears to blow, and then . . . silence.
After I got my wits back, I went and checked the system. The P10 had shut down all three banks of power. After a few minutes, I switched them back on (leaving the DVD player off). I put some new batteries in the remote, turned the pre/pro back on, and then brought the volume back down to reasonable levels. I fired up the DVD player and checked for sound out of all the speakers. Everything was good. The P10 saved the day (and probably a few speaker drivers)!

PS Audio makes some awesome products. The P10 has performed flawlessly, and tonight it saved my butt. Highly recommend this product.
Good news.

Let me ask - have you used the power regen for 2 channel? If so what impact does it have on the sound? Btw - you get that directstream hooked up yet? I am loving mine. As you probably know - new software release shortly!! :)
Good news.

Let me ask - have you used the power regen for 2 channel? If so what impact does it have on the sound? Btw - you get that directstream hooked up yet? I am loving mine. As you probably know - new software release shortly!! :)

Yes, I use the P10 for two channel as well. I have my cinema system on three banks, and the 2-channel system on the remaining two banks. Then I only turn on the banks for the particular system I'm using at the time. I think it has a positive effect on the sound. Nothing like feeding your audio system lots of clean, regulated power.

And yes, I have been running my PWT/DSD DAC combo for two weeks straight to burn it in. It's sounding fantastic with the Yale update. I'm loving it! Can't wait for Torreys! I'll soon be purchasing a Bridge II to go in the DSD, and a Rune subscription once the Torreys update hits (Torreys is supposed to make the DSD and Bridge Roon compatible. Just got my new Synology NAS installed and now begins the long process of ripping my 2000 or so CDs. So, yeah. Loving the DSD DAC.
Yes, I use the P10 for two channel as well. I have my cinema system on three banks, and the 2-channel system on the remaining two banks. Then I only turn on the banks for the particular system I'm using at the time. I think it has a positive effect on the sound. Nothing like feeding your audio system lots of clean, regulated power.

And yes, I have been running my PWT/DSD DAC combo for two weeks straight to burn it in. It's sounding fantastic with the Yale update. I'm loving it! Can't wait for Torreys! I'll soon be purchasing a Bridge II to go in the DSD, and a Rune subscription once the Torreys update hits (Torreys is supposed to make the DSD and Bridge Roon compatible. Just got my new Synology NAS installed and now begins the long process of ripping my 2000 or so CDs. So, yeah. Loving the DSD DAC.

Rich I'm lovin it. Someone to talk and drool about the DS with. I absolutely love mine.
Rich I'm lovin it. Someone to talk and drool about the DS with. I absolutely love mine.

Yeah, it's an awesome DAC. Have you been following the threads over on the PS Audio forum? Ted (the chief engineer for the DSD) has been talking about some of the improvements he has been working on in Torrey's. He has been able to lower the noise floor quite a bit further and make some other changes that should result in improved sound. Gotta love a company that continues to improve your product after you've purchased it.

I had a nice Wadia CD player before this and it sounded very good, but the DSD is light years ahead of it for half the price. The DirectStream has a soundstage to die for, both deep and wide. And voices and instruments sound so real and natural (of course, the CJ tube pre and amp help with that). Not to mention all the details you hear, which ML's excel at anyway. I'm absolutely loving this addition to my system. Can't wait to get the Bridge II and Roon and get all my CD's ripped. Honestly, I think my sound will improve even further once I'm able to get these two huge racks of CD's out of my listening room.

The DS may not be the best DAC out there, but it is hands down the best DAC for the money, in my opinion.
I'm a little confused. What commanded the P10 to shut down the system?

Sure, lucky it did - but how did it know something was wrong?; because if it shuts down as soon as current draw goes up, it's a flawed product, right?

PS - For a better description, why don't you just take a fcuking photo so that we can see it? :)
Adam, the P10 has a maximum continuous load of 1200VA. My guess is that when it hit that limit, it shut down for protection. I had 11 amp channels running at 200 wpc plus the DVD player and surround sound processor and probably a few other things I'm not even thinking of. The volume dial on the Marantz hit 100 (max volume) before it shut down. I think it worked flawlessly. You would never get near those ear-splitting levels in any normal scenario. I'm impressed it didn't shut down sooner and I'm thankful it shut down when it did. It's a testament to the P10 and the Definitive Technology speakers that something didn't blow during those few seconds before shutdown. Oh, you want a picture? Ok, here's a picture. :rolleyes: image.jpg
Oh, you want a picture? Ok, here's a picture. :rolleyes:


Oh, and just for clarity - I didn't say "I wanted a picture". I said that I wanted you "to take a fcuking photo" of the subject matter.

You should know the difference.

Oh, and just for clarity - I didn't say "I wanted a picture". I said that I wanted you "to take a fcuking photo" of the subject matter.

You should know the difference.

That's what I did. I took the fcuking photo of the P10 right off the PS Audio website. Geez, there's no pleasing you.
That's what I did. I took the fcuking photo of the P10 right off the PS Audio website. Geez, there's no pleasing you.

Funny, because as I read through the thread, the "Subject matter" is clearly NOT the PS Audio website. It is your implementation thereof - comprising of items such as a Marantz processor, a DVD player, etc, in-situ, at your residence.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Funny, because as I read through the thread, the "Subject matter" is clearly NOT the PS Audio website. It is your implementation thereof - comprising of items such as a Marantz processor, a DVD player, etc, in-situ, at your residence.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Best I can tell from reading the title and first post, the subject matter is about the P10 saving my butt. I've already provided a picture of the P10. Are you asking for a picture of my butt? :ROFL:
Best I can tell from reading the title and first post, the subject matter is about the P10 saving my butt. I've already provided a picture of the P10. Are you asking for a picture of my butt? :ROFL:

Good try, but no cigar Rich.

It was not about

as you are trying to dupe me into believing.

It was about

My PS Audio P10......

That picture is not your PS Audio P10.
Trust me, Adam. You see one P10, you've seen them all. Except mine is black.