ML Prodigy stopped working

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Active member
Sep 11, 2016
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Painesville, Ohio
One of my Prodigy's recently stopped working. Haven't checked to see is there are fuses. Replaced the panels 2 years ago, so they should be OK. Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting?
One of my Prodigy's recently stopped working. Haven't checked to see is there are fuses. Replaced the panels 2 years ago, so they should be OK. Any suggestions where to start troubleshooting?

One or greater issue from a small finite set of probable issues that seem best dealt with sequentially.

Since panels couple of years old they are likely to be okay. Other than loose connection what we are left with is HVPS circuit, audio transformer and crossover circuit. Double check equipment upstream to verify free of fault.

Switch HVPSC from ok speaker to no output speaker and see if there is sound output.

After substituting if sonics restored conclude other power supply circuit kaput.
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A guy I used to work with in the engineering department of a public broadcasting facility used to appraise situations thus: "There are only two possibilities, either it's the supply or the load". That well sums up ESL problems. If it's the power supply--a pretty common failure point for an ESL--and the step-up is delivering signal to the panel, you might still hear something, albeit very distorted, if you put your ear on the panel. It would be pretty unusual for a panel, new or old, to suddenly deliver no sound. If you replaced it a couple of years ago, I would say check all the connections you made. If it's a Molex or other type of plug, make sure the wire didn't get caught up somewhere, causing the plug to eventually pull loose. I would say re-checking your work when replacing the panel would be the best place to start.

When I replaced a panel on my CLS II I carelessly pinched a wire when putting the electronics enclosure back together. I had to find some high voltage insulating tubing to put over the boo-boo. Something like that, undetected, could work for a while then cause trouble.
At risk of stating the obvious, a whole-house surge protector is an often-overlooked but very worthwhile acquisition! I got the previous version of this Siemans unit a couple of years back:

With all the storms around Houston, I used to regularly have appliances, smart switches, etc. pop on me. Since I had the suppressor installed, not a single fatality! I think my electrical contractor charged me $100 to install on external panel.
Yes, I've got one on our electric meter where the line runs into our home. The power company installed it. Great safety feature