Mads Vinding Trio:THE KINGDOM

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miles ahead

Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
Artist-Mads Vinding

Title-The Kingdom

Year of Release-1998



This is the fourth in a series of reviews-all featuring recordings that either have Bill Evans at the piano,are dedicated to his memory,or in the current example-make no overt reference to his legacy,yet would be difficult to imagine had he not come before. This compact disc,well-recorded and equally well-performed,is led by the Danish bassist Mads Vinding. Truthfully,one could put any name at the forefront of this session-either the Italian pianist Enrico Pieranunzi or (fellow Dane)Alex Riel on drums;the sense of a cooperative effort that owes less to a 'leader' than the collective flow is palpable. This is yet one of the timely innovations that came about in the wake of the 'classic trio'-Evans,Lafaro,Motian-during it's short life span.
Several moods are touched on here by Vinding and company-if there is any reference point needed,the work of Keith Jarrett,Chick Corea and Brad Mehldau(w/their respective trios) come to mind. The 'out' introduction to Someday My Prince Will Come reminds one of Chick(with Miroslav Vitous and Roy Haynes). It's a tour de force for all hands,with Vinding keeping it together,even as things threaten to burst at the seams. Great work! Other highlights: Lover(by Richard Rodgers) is taken at breakneck speed,with the drums of Alex Riel pushing and prodding them along-he is totally 'in the pocket',until this lover reaches an exhausted conclusion. Nice! (Riel,by the way,honed his craft back in the early 1960's with the likes of Dexter Gordon-it shows here).
The Kingdom,a ballad by Pieranunzi,shows off this trio's lyricism-it has excellent work from all,with Vinding's bass 'singing' the melodic lead. No need to ask about the influence of Scott LaFaro after hearing this one! The date ends with a slow,mournful take on Benny Golson's I Remember Clifford-Vinding has the lead thorughout and closes in fine form. I hope the composer has heard this version-it's priceless. With a solid mix of standards and inventive originals,The Kingdom makes a place for itself among the best of the 'classic' piano trios out there. And with the trio's inventive takes on Someday My Prince Will Come and My Foolish Heart-both favored by Evans over the years-they acknowledge what so many others have-that the influence of Bill Evans continues to inspire... :music:



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