Just realized that while I did make an amp 'demo' decision, I never posted an update to this thread. 
In a nutshell... I am bringing in a pair of Bricasti M32 mono blocks on demo from Shawn@DaVinci. As compared with Pass Labs, they are relatively available (being built currently), and according to a couple of Bricasti owners I've spoken with (including our own GW1800) they run only 'slightly warm to the touch' (as compared to my current Para JC-1's that are running around 126-128 F at idle).

Soooo... the plan is to give them a good evaluation next to my JC-1's and if there is something that I just don't think is working for me, I will ship them up to Shawn, and I'll likely get on the long Pass Labs waiting list...
In a nutshell... I am bringing in a pair of Bricasti M32 mono blocks on demo from Shawn@DaVinci. As compared with Pass Labs, they are relatively available (being built currently), and according to a couple of Bricasti owners I've spoken with (including our own GW1800) they run only 'slightly warm to the touch' (as compared to my current Para JC-1's that are running around 126-128 F at idle).

Soooo... the plan is to give them a good evaluation next to my JC-1's and if there is something that I just don't think is working for me, I will ship them up to Shawn, and I'll likely get on the long Pass Labs waiting list...