Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 (Boxed Set) (DTS)

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Well-known member
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
Camano Island, Washington
Title: Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 (Box Set) (DTS)
Year of Release:
Kill Bill Vol. 1 – 2003
Kill Bill Vol. 2 – 2004
Film Studio: Miramax
Genre: Action Adventure

I just loved these films, "Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 (Boxed Set) (DTS), DVD's are great purchase for any DVD library... :D

“Q & U”, aka, Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman created both of these wonderful action movies. Mr. Tarantino, wrote and directed, each of these films. “Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2”, are based on the written, treatise of, “The Bride” also by, “Q & U”. Where Mr. Tarantino, succeeds and shows his true genesis: 1). He always shows us something wonderfully, "New", that we have never before seen in his films. 2). He writes dialog which is extremely creative, entertaining, quick and intelligent. 3). His films are wildly, viscerally, entertaining.

Each movie begins, just the same way, with the ‘cold blooded’ murder of, Uma Thurman’s character, “The Bride” and her entire wedding party. From that pivotal point, ‘The Revenge’, takes off…
“Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2”, are essentially trilling, chilling and extremely wonderful revenge films. IMHO, these films should be viewed as just one movie, which is 248 minutes in length. The great thing, about it is, on DVD, you are totally free to do just that…, view both one right after the other, as one film… I’m not sure why, Mr. Tarantino, decided to split these films up, into two films, but I think it was for the obvious reason; Why have one long movie, when you can have two movies and make twice the profit margin.

I just love the fact that, these films portray, “The Bride”, as such a strong, bold and powerful, yet at times vulnerable, female action hero. I was impressed with, outstanding, Actors / Marshal Artists, Chiaki Kuriyama and Gordon Liu. The choreography of marshal arts flowed and was so perfectly executed... I appreciated, Mr. Tarantino’s choices to use Black and White, in the most violent scenes. As well as, the colorful animation, used in the very violent, flashback scenes, of the young, O’ Ren Ishiee aka, “Cottonmouth”. The famous fight scenes, between Uma Thurman’s charactor, "Blackmomba" (aka, "The Bride", aka, "Mommy") and “The Crazy 88”, was awesome. It had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Michael Parks, was excellent in his duel roles of the, “Texas Ranger – Detective” and the, “Mexican – Pimp”. It was great to see him again. In addition, I loved seeing, Sony Chiba, as “Uteri Honshu”, the master maker, of the flawless, “Honshu” Samurai swords. But one of the best casting choices was, David Carradine, as “Bill”, aka, “The Snake Charmer”.
IMHO, Mr. Carradine’s, marshal arts back ground in the TV series, “Kung Fu”, imparted, so much unspoken chemistry and respect for him as a ‘Grand Master’ of marshal arts, in this role, as the evil “Bill”. When he was playing the flute and telling the story of "Pi Mai", to Uma Thurman's character, I was reminded of "Qui Chang Cain", from "Kung Fu"... He was an excellent choice and did a wonderful job in these films. :D

This film was meant for DTS sound, and the DVD’s, do not disappoint. It has the very best DTS recorded sound track, I have heard, on DVD. Martin Logan’s are at their HT best, with both Kill Bill films. All ML’s are driven gloriously to their maximum, optimal performance.

I wanted to say a few words about the excellent extra feature available on both of these DVD’s. Besides the, “Making of” featurette, there is musical performances by, “The 5, 6, 7, 8’s” (on Vol. 1) and the, “Kill Bill Vol. 2 Premiere – CHINGON Performance”, which has Quentin Tarantino and his pal, follow director, Robert Rodriguez, performing on stage. It’s a lot of fun, just like, “Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2”. I highly recommend this DVD Box Set, and I hope, someday when it comes out on Blue-Ray - High-Def. DVD, they are presented joined together as one film. I concede, these films may not be for everybody, due to the graphic violence, however, I highly recommend both of these films on DVD. IMHO, they are lots of fun and great entertainment :D

*** Note: After watching these films, several times on DVD, I purchased both the movie, “Sound Tracks”, available on CD. The Japanese, singer, Meiko Kaji, is something special, on the, “Kill Bill Vol. 1”, sound track. Johnny Cash’s, “A Satisfied Man”, is great on the, “Kill Bill Vol. 2”, sound track. I recommend, both sound tracks, they are great...

:D HT relaxed, comfortably surrounded in ML bliss, until next time, let the movies turn you on…




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Hey Robin,

Wonderful review.. Thanks.

I'm a big fan of Tarantino and of course I saw both these films. My personal opinion is that he should've combined the two films to make one kick ass one. Both films had weak spots in the stories that could've been cut... parts that dragged on forever.. I think Tarantino was pressured by the studios and lured by the money of creating two instead of one. For that I was disappointed, especially with Vol 2 which really left alot to be desired.

That, of course is just my 2 cents.


Kill Bill...

TomDac said:
Hey Robin,

Wonderful review.. Thanks.

I'm a big fan of Tarantino and of course I saw both these films. My personal opinion is that he should've combined the two films to make one kick ass one. Both films had weak spots in the stories that could've been cut... parts that dragged on forever.. I think Tarantino was pressured by the studios and lured by the money of creating two instead of one. For that I was disappointed, especially with Vol 2 which really left alot to be desired.

That, of course is just my 2 cents.




You're Welcome, and thank you for your kind words.

I totally agree, "Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2", should have been just one kick ass, film. I also suspect, Mr. Tarantino, may have given in to, Bob and Harvey Winestien, at Miramax, to make more money...
IMHO, I still love Quentin Tarantino and the "Kill Bill" films... :D

