Kids do the darndest things.

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Yes, I have a few milk stains on my Logans ! Kids are Kids!:cheers:
Geeeez.... if I had a kid and he destroyed my Summits... omg... all I have to say is, poor kid.

Geeeez.... if I had a kid and he destroyed my Summits... omg... all I have to say is, poor kid.


Actually if you had a kid (3 girls myself) you'd laugh it off, it's only stuff after all! When I was selling audio, a customer had one of his 13 kids put his foot through some Apogees I sold him, he laughed when he told me and so did I.
Yep, my stepdaughter bent the cantilever of a $1200 cartridge over at a 90 degree angle once when she was "looking" at it. :eek: Only thing to do was make a heavy dustcover for the TT and go get a new cartridge. I did take the opportunity to upgrade though!:cool:
I am glad my kids never did that to my equipment! But my kids knew not to touch Daddy's stereo equipment and they didn't. I always thought that you were supposed to teach kids to respect other peoples property? I hope the kid was disicplined? For those of you laughing it off answer me this? If you had done that to your parents equipment what would have happened to you? Most of the kids today are spoiled including mine! That was one heck of a temper tantrum by the kid?
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I agree. Kids will be kids. What is scary and you find this out a lot of times later when they are grown and out of the house is the stuff they did you did not find out about at the time!!:eek: :eek:

Sure beats the PB&J in the VCR slot trick.......:eek:
Years ago a good friend of mine's step grand-daughter decided to play with his then full-tilt Yamaha system..... their best preamp, equalizer, two M80s, one M60.... the Sequels I now own..... she turned the input gains on all the amps all the way up, ditto the master volume on the preamp, pushed all the sliders on the eq up, and hit the pink noise generator on the eq. I was baby-sitting that day, and I didn't catch it in time. Friend comes home, and decides some music would be nice...... he hit the master switch, and it was like a 155mm howitzer went off.... the living room windows nearly got blown out. At the time he had a homebrew subwoofer consisting of four 15" drivers that made breathing and heart rhythm difficult. That was one sore three year old after her sisters ratted on her.... I still tease them both about it to this day!:haha1:
Boys will be Boys...

When my son was a kid-of-a-boy, around two or three - as I recall, he though he would like to see what it was like to push in all of the speaker cones of both of my, then MGA, three way speakers. The twelve inch woofer cones were aluminuim of course. Yes, I was up-set but that passed quickly. I learned to laugh it off as part of the joy of having my wonderful son... :D I think you learn to do that as a parent, just go with the flow. IMHO, in the finial analysis you just have to say 'Boys will be Boys' and love them even more... :p
I am glad my kids never did that to my equipment! But my kids knew not to touch Daddy's stereo equipment and they didn't. I always thought that you were supposed to teach kids to respect other peoples property? I hope the kid was disicplined? For those of you laughing it off answer me this? If you had done that to your parents equipment what would have happened to you? Most of the kids today are spoiled including mine! That was one heck of a temper tantrum by the kid?

Well, in my stepdaughters case, she's developmentally delayed so that is a factor. She's 18 now, but functions at about a 2 year old level - so you just play the hand that's dealt.
Well, in my stepdaughters case, she's developmentally delayed so that is a factor. She's 18 now, but functions at about a 2 year old level - so you just play the hand that's dealt.

Tim, Good point, but knowing you, I bet there was a crooked smile when you got to upgrade !!

Kudos to you.

I confess my son when he was about 3 put cereal in the VCR in the entertainment system once.I just took it apart and cleaned it and went on with the day.:D
I remember when I was showing off my dads great ML system and blew a fuse on the amp. Hmmmm. What to do....I discovered that tin foil works really well. He till this day has no idea that it is still there. Oh, unless he reads this :D
When my son was a kid-of-a-boy, around two or three - as I recall, he though he would like to see what it was like to push in all of the speaker cones of both of my, then MGA, three way speakers.

My kids also pushed in the woofer cones on my Klipsch's,and used the VCR as a garage to store their matchbox cars. Just one of the many joys of having children.:rolleyes:
I am glad my kids never did that to my equipment! But my kids knew not to touch Daddy's stereo equipment and they didn't. I always thought that you were supposed to teach kids to respect other peoples property? I hope the kid was disicplined? For those of you laughing it off answer me this? If you had done that to your parents equipment what would have happened to you? Most of the kids today are spoiled including mine! That was one heck of a temper tantrum by the kid?

I agree and have definitely done so re: touching. Even the 19 month old leaves my system alone. Hell yeah my kids are spoiled but that is the reality for a lot of kids. The point I was making is that kids do things that are unexpected and our reaction to them is important in how they relate to us and what they did. In some situations a little shame is good but IMO not when it is stuff that is damaged. People and feelings are different!
Tim, Good point, but knowing you, I bet there was a crooked smile when you got to upgrade !!

Oh hell yeah! That's part of playing the hand that is dealt right? On some cosmic level it was important that I should give John Grado a hand and buy one of his statement cartirdges. Who the heck am I to mess with the momentum of the universe! :angel: