
MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego
I thought it was about time to introduce myself, so hello to all.

I currently have no ML products, but am hopeful that someday soon I will. It seems that every great deal is across the country and the owner doesn’t want to ship. I know that someday the real deal will come along, until then I'll continue to leark here and learn from all of you.

I'm currently a Magnepan owner, but fell in love with the ML's may years ago when I was stationed in Hawaii. At that time it was all I could do to feed the family, but the ML dream endures to this day.

I've been an avid fan of high end audio for many years, but don't consider myself an audiophile. Yet another case of champagne taste on the beer budget syndrome (Kids are expensive :D). I worked at several high end stores in the '80s, One in Ct and another in Fl (Orlando). Things sure have changed since my Lexicon CP-1 was state of the art.

Thanks for the site and wealth of knowledge.

And a Merry Christmas or Happy Chanukah to you all...

Mike, nice intro ! and may I say WELCOME to you as well, glad to have you with us. As a former Maggie guy myself (MG IIIa's) I know from where you speak ! Hopefully your "Logan quest" will bear fruit soon !

Happy Holidays to you as well.