Hello From Kuwait....

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Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Hello Everyone....

I am very new here and honestly after reading and looking at some serious hardware i find myself extremely overwhelmed.
But as a wise professor once told me.. there is only one way to eat an elephant.... And that's one bite at a time. So that is what i will do :)
I am not an audiophile in any sense of the word... but what i can say is i have been blessed to have friends who are.
I was first introduced to Martin Logan a few years ago at a party and like so many of you in this room right now, i haven't been the same since. That night was very special and i still smile when i think of it. That was the night I lost a girlfriend by standing in the corner all night long by the speakers pondering how the words emanated out of that thin little panel..... wow!! still seems like yesterday....
After that night.... i knew one day when i grew up....all those other noise making wall rattlers in my living room would go away as i made the ML listening experience a part of my everyday norm.
A few years later...... here i stand.
All growed up..... And ready :)
So i began piecing together and collecting my own Slow Zone as i will call it whenever it's finished..... for starters....
I have 2 sets of ML CLS iiz, 1 set of ML Clarity and 1 set ML Montages. And 1 ML Descent i.
If i can get some guidance on where to go from here..... as in amps, wires, tilt degrees and how to control all of this love in one room.. i would be very grateful :)

Thank you very much :)

i'm sure as my knowledge grows in this new way of life..... can't really call it a hobby, i look forward to speaking with each and everyone of u....

hope to meet u soon,
Hi Slow,

You're off to a great start... I started off here with just a pair of Montage speakers! CLS iiz!!!, Descent i!!! Oh man, you're gonna have some fun! Check out CAP's system and learn the secret CLS handshake. ha, ha! Lot of CLS fans here.

All the best!

That's a funny story about the chick...
Welcome, Slow. Great to have you aboard. Is there a ML dealer there?
Thank you CCH :)

There is not a ML dealer in Kuwait :(
The nearest one is located in Dubai.... It's only 585 miles away..... And I frequent it on the regular. Customer service there really sucks.... Its like they are trying to sell me a car they have never driven lest known owned.... So everything about that seems suspect to me.... So i turn to the people who have been there and done that...
Those who Proudly wear the ML tee shirt :)

Looking back on it all....
Taking her to that party was the best thing i ever done :)
Can't say it was a cheaper road to travel..... but if it overheats.. at least i can shut it down :)
I will take that look at CAP's system and try and learn the secret ways of the CLS's.
Thank you again....

Welcome! Funny you lost a gf, but came back with a "wife" in this crazy hobby/passion/addiction/drug of ours. :D

I've been having fun since the day I brought my first set of MLs home (having owned boxed speakers in the past, a MUCH different experience) and still finding and discovering new things with them, specifically on placement in a challenging room situation. You'll no doubt continue your "marriage" to the ML speakers you have til you're grey and old! I don't think I could turn back to boxed speakers again....
Welcome Slow, you are joining a great community who shares best practices, advice and just as important encouragement.
Yes, Welcome aboard. I've been slow to reply here myself, but it's always good to have a fellow CLS owner join the group (we actually think we're pretty special; secret handshake to follow later, shhhhhh!).


Hello Everyone....

I am very new here and honestly after reading and looking at some serious hardware i find myself extremely overwhelmed.
But as a wise professor once told me.. there is only one way to eat an elephant.... And that's one bite at a time. So that is what i will do :)
I am not an audiophile in any sense of the word... but what i can say is i have been blessed to have friends who are.
I was first introduced to Martin Logan a few years ago at a party and like so many of you in this room right now, i haven't been the same since. That night was very special and i still smile when i think of it. That was the night I lost a girlfriend by standing in the corner all night long by the speakers pondering how the words emanated out of that thin little panel..... wow!! still seems like yesterday....
After that night.... i knew one day when i grew up....all those other noise making wall rattlers in my living room would go away as i made the ML listening experience a part of my everyday norm.
A few years later...... here i stand.
All growed up..... And ready :)
So i began piecing together and collecting my own Slow Zone as i will call it whenever it's finished..... for starters....
I have 2 sets of ML CLS iiz, 1 set of ML Clarity and 1 set ML Montages. And 1 ML Descent i.
If i can get some guidance on where to go from here..... as in amps, wires, tilt degrees and how to control all of this love in one room.. i would be very grateful :)


Ayoonee,There was someone here who tried 2 pairs of CLSs side by side and said that there were great results on 2 channel stereo.
I have CLss for the last 20 years. You need either a powerful tube amp,or a high quality transistor amp that doubles its power when the resistance goes down by a factor of 2.An amp that can deal with the resistance of 1.6 ohms that the CLSIIZ shows the amp at highest frequencies.If the amp can not handle this,it will either self-destruct or not provide the high frequencies,and the speakers will sound dull and shut in.