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Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hudson Valley, NY
Greetings from NY's MidHudson Valley,

I've been the happy owner of a pair of cls II (IIz I think) for the last several years. I will say they are a biat*h when it comes to room issues but man do they sing! Anyway I've been lurking here off and on for about 2 weeks- joined a few days ago- and decided it was about time to offer my salutations.

Just about 15 years ago, the content owner of a boombox, I was taken to a big showroom in downtown NY by a friend seeking to lead me out of the valley of the shadows, as it were. I heard the original Aerius driven by Krell gear and my jaw dropped. Needless to say the boombox just didn't cut it after that. I started saving.

A year and a half later, through pure coincidence, I happened on another hi-fi shop in upstate NY and they were selling a second-hand pair of cls's. You know the rest.

Glad to be here and to make your acquaintance.
Ahh the famed CLS JAW drop reaction. It happens. Welcome! What do you run them with? And have you ever thought about stands. (Look at my system). It helps tremendously and makes them SO much more detailed and precise.
:welcome: to the club from another CLS IIz owner!

We'll get your secret decoder ring and instructions on the handshake out to you right away. You'll find that we CLS owners are a happy group around these parts.

Tell us more about your setup, musical tastes etc.
Thank you one and all,

You've made me feel most welcome. I am indeed glad to have found this forum. You see, ladies and gents, you've already saved my bacon.

I'm really just a music fan who fell in love with the esl sound: the technical aspects often elude me. My audio pal moved away and we've lost touch over the years (he was a maggie man himself but wholly ecumenical when it came to panels). I could've used his help as my panels had grown steadily more quiet over the last few months. Who would've thought that something as simple as a vacuuming could pull 'em back from the brink? I thought my beloved Logans were shot and now thanks to this forum I got my tunes back.

You have my most sincere gratitude.

You are indeed correct. Aerius it was.

But even more accentuated was my response to the cls's. They were playing in a side room, sight unseen. They sounded wonderful. As a noob I didn't dare say so to the owner (for fear of being wrong and looking silly), but I was positive that they were stats because they rekindled that same reaction from the Aerius. I immediately had to know for sure what speaker was producing those tunes and informed the proprietor that it was damned imperative that I see them 'cause I was going to buy them.

And here I am all these years later.

Prepare to be .... underwhelmed:

- Nakamichi MB-2s CD player
- Rotel RC 971 preamp
- Rotel RC 981 amplifier

No stands as of yet.

Well it knocks my socks off. The Rotel stuff ain't the smoothest I've had in my system (My old audio chum had Krell monoblocks and a Levinson preamp. Out of my price range but man were they nice.) Still I'm happy with what I've got: if I can go from opera to metal and get chills up and down my spine from listening to both, then I think it works pretty well.

New furniture here means I'm gonna have to go through the whole process of optimal placement. Again. Grrr.....

Maybe after the bills are paid and the speakers find a new sweet spot in which to live, I'll look into stands (Besides, I'm a tall fella and have gotten in the habit of slinking in my listening seat to the point where the tonal balance smooths out just that extra little bit).
