With all respect, I think we all have our own ways to reproduce our music. These different kind of paths make our hobby more interesting. As an example, you can choose my way, my path, and in this road I am learning things like the need of a galvanic filter to take a lot of garbage out. Also, I had learned that it is not the sampling speed or over-sampling that makes the music to sing along. Everything has to do with a good recording or a bad recording. The DAC that I am using has a lot of gadgets that others costing two or three times do not have. Again, I am not saying that this is the most purest fore front digital to analogue converter. What I am saying, is that with all these adds (USB cable, RefLink, and digital coax cable) my sound had changed for good. I find more crystal clear highs, and tons of image and stage. Wide spread music at the sides of my CLXs, having them in my small room. I find digital very pleasant too, and it is challenging my analogue sound. Perhaps I should change something or do something to my analogue sound. But the time to get the songs or any artist, digital is a clear winner. The sound is not that bad, and I am always telling me this. Just wanted to share with you these thoughts that were bugging me. Happy listening!