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New member
Mar 1, 2009
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Hello, first time poster long time listener. I just purchased a very nice used pair of Martin logan Prodigy speakers. I have only had them in my listening room for 2 days so haven't had a lot of time to really get to know them. I am looking forward to reading others experiences in getting the most out of their set up. I have a dedicated theater room (16'wide x 22'long with a 9ft ceiling) with two seperate setups, one for theater and the other strictly for 2 channel. For now I will list just the 2 channel setup info.

Cary SLP98 preamp (tube rolling made big differences on these speakers)
Wyred 4 Sound SX-500 mono amps
Denon DVD-2200 (weakest link, but for digital it sounds good)
VPI Scout with Grado Sonata Cart. and GSP ERA Gold V phono stage
ML Prodigy speakers
Interconnects are DH Labs and Audio Art
Speaker Cables are PS Audio Statement Bi Wire.


Hi, I do appreciate the sound of well recorded vinyl much more so than CDs. Of course I play both and enjoy both. You have quite a nice setup and from the post I saw quite an extensive collection of vinyl. I just started collecting again a few years ago and I have some rare albums that I really enjoy, but nothing like the collection you have. Same genres, classic rock, accoustic, and some blues and jazz.

Have you played around much with different cartridges on your Aries? I have read that the 20X is superb with the VPI tables and just wondered what your thoughts were on it. Unfortuately with my recent Prodigy purchase my stereo slush fund is dry, so it will be awhile before I can make any more significant changes.
Have you played around much with different cartridges on your Aries? I have read that the 20X is superb with the VPI tables and just wondered what your thoughts were on it. .

Matt, my tt, now two years old still plays beautifully with the 20x. I have been thinking (dangerous for me) about future cartridges....I like Benz Micro, thought about Lyra, Shelter and ZYX. Now that every passing day seems to bring further errosion of my 401k (quickly becoming a '201k' !) I think I'll enjoy my 20x for as long as possible !