First you need to frame your question in the context of your target system and intent. Your post seems to indicate you plan to buy a pair of speakers, but is this for 2-channel audio only, or will they be combined with other speakers in an HT system?... so:
Is it 2-channel audio only, or multi-channel HT? 2 channel
What exactly is your budget? around 2K$
Do you prefer SS or tubes - or either? SS
Amp preference: Monoblocks verses a stereo amp or multichannel amp or receiver? Integrated.
What's your pre-amp? None at the moment.
Which speakers exactly are you considering? The new electomotion model to be released.
What are your listening/viewing habits? Listen at medium levels to jazz, pop, acoustic +++ not metal og heavy music. I am a sucker for open, detailed airy sound with great dynamics.
What is your room like? Small, but I will move within 6 months as we are on the lookout for a new house.
Favorite color? Black or something rosewoody