Very nice shot C.A.P, it brought back some great memories for me.
When I was freshly seperated from my ex-wife I used to get my son and daughter every other weekend. They were 9 (son Matthew) and 7 (daughter Michelle) at the time. I was too broke to afford a TV, so we would all sit around the stereo every evening listening to music together. Michelle would sit in my lap and Matt next to me and we'd each take turn picking out which LP or CD we wanted to listen too. Michelle had a leaning toward classical music and her favorite (and first pick without fail) was Grieg's Peer Gynt, especially "The Hall of the Mountain King". Matt was a bit more ecclectic and he developed a fondness for the Rolling Stones ("Paint it Black"), Richard Thompson ("We're All Working for the Pharo") and Miles Davis "Kind of Blue". This continued for several years until they ended up moving out odf state with their mom and her new husband when Matt was 15.
Today, when they come into town for a visit, we still make time for some listening sessions, although they're both way to big for my lap anymore.
Enjoy this time C.A.P, it's all too short!