Depth or Descent Sub

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2006
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I would like to ask a few questions about these 2 models.

I noticed Sterophile said the original Depth sub never really blended into the room and you could always tell from what area of the room the bass was coming from. Is this true? Did the new Depth i take care of that , if it was a problem.
From what I read , it looks like the Descent blends better , is that correct ? and if so would it be too much for a room 12x20?. I assume the smaller depth sub would be better suited to the room since it isn't super huge.
Have any of you put a ML sub between your speakers to even out the bass? or somewhat down the side wall between the listening position and the speaker. I assume you would loose a little bass response with the sub between the speakers and not in the corner.

As noted , my main concern is, can I get by with a depth or depth i and not have to be concerned about it drawing attention to itself or would the extra money for the descent be worth it and be suitable for my room.

Thanks, Greg
i do not use my depth (not depth i) for 2 channel, only surround, and i have never had problems with "knowing where it is". location and SPL blending do wonders.
Thanks, I should have also mentioned this would be for 2 channel mated with ML Odessey's.I did bookmark the radio shack spl meter article by realtraps the other day off of this site that Ethan posted.
i had a DIY 12" sub from Adire audio and had it stuffed in the front corner. what a disastor. pulling it back behind the listening couch worked better, but the beast just didn't have snap to it. the depth was a wonderful addition.
I have no such issues with my depth. I have the full range of frequencies going to the front speakers and the depth crossover set at 35 Hz.

Having said this I will tell you that Wayne’s Odysseys with the Descent sounds awesome. I think the key is setting the crossover low so that it blends in.
Thanks, I should have also mentioned this would be for 2 channel mated with ML Odessey's.I did bookmark the radio shack spl meter article by realtraps the other day off of this site that Ethan posted.

Moon - I did the same thing with my Odysseys - and now I only use the Descent with surround as well.... The descent blends well - sounds good - but, after getting it - decided that - yes, I liked the extra bass, but - thought the transparency was a bit better without it. I think the sub helps poor recordings - and hinders good ones....