You'll probably get as many opinons about cables as there are registered users on this forum...
But as a former Nordost owner, I can say that Nordost speaker cables are the best-sounding I've ever had in my rig. I had the Solar Winds, and they sounded fantastic. I really regret selling my pair off. Eventually I'll get around to getting some upgraded Nordosts, probably some Red Dawns...
AS for interconnects, my whole system is wired with White Zombie Audio pure silver ICs, except the long runs from my pre to the monoblocks, which is wired with Black Mountain pure silver lines. Both are FANTASTIC bargains, and if your system is sonically compatible with silver ICs, these two companies are the ONLY way to go, in my opinion. They cost less than high-end Monsters or mid-line AudioQuest, and outperform many brands costing 10 times their price...
Black Mountain sells on AudioGon, and through a website, but the AG prices are usually a LOT lower, because they are cosmetic "seconds" or customer returns. White Zombie Audio also sells through a website, but often has killer deals on EBAY. Here are links to their respective websites:
But of course, depending on your gear, YMMV...
Good luck finding the cables that fit your wallet and your ears. It's a never-ending battle, but it can be a fun journey if you approach it like a puzzle and don't get too hung up on "perfection"...