are all panels created equal ?

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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2008
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I will start of with the fact that I love my logans but have noticed that one panel sounds slightly different than the other more tone than a db dif they are whithin 1.5db of each other. I have swithched speakers to rule out amp or room interaction. is this the nature of the beast am I over critical what have your experiences bean? they are "spires" and broken in.
I assume you mean that the loudness of one panel is about 1.5 db more than the other. I doubt that it's the speakers. Check your speaker wiring and interconnects. Reverse the wiring from one speaker to the other to determine if the problem is really the speaker. My guess is the wiring or an imbalance in your electronics.
Unequal panels

It can be many things.Check the distance from you to each speaker and the distance from the speakers to the side and rear walls.It's possible that your processor levels are uneven.If your amp has gain pots or controls make sure that they are even.Make sure that the woofer settings are the same.Good Luck.
Do a test tone sweep with a test dic and a SPL meter. Do 10 second intervals and mark each frequency to see where its loosing DB. Make damn sure they are clean from dust, Its a panel killer. Blow them off with light compressed air or use a vacuume with a soft round horse hair head and vacume them. If the still are unbalanced sounding they are on there way out.
Could be your room if it is not symmetrical. I have a similar problem because there is a large opening to our kitchen on the left front wall.
what about a high quality EQ

maybe a high quality EQ does anybody recomend a brand that could help iron out any of these strange anomalies? also two help blend my other speakers together.
maybe a high quality EQ does anybody recomend a brand that could help iron out any of these strange anomalies? also two help blend my other speakers together.

The only EQ's I'd recommend are the highly accurate FIR filters in the Audyssey MultEQ found in preamps like the Denon AVP-A1HD,

Otherwise, the DBX DriveRacks are quite good parametric EQ's and general speaker processors. I use both in my system with good results.