Aerius i and Conrad-Johnson

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user 2312

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Jun 4, 2007
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Aerius i and Conrad-Johnson MV55

Hello to everybody from Italy, this is my first post.

I'm going to buy the Aerius i loudspeakers ad I wish to connect them to the Conrad-Johnson mv55 amplifier.

Do you think that it is a good amplifier choice? Other CJ better preferences for these loudspeakers?

Thank you.

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I read somewhere that in a smaller room and at moderate volume levels you could "get by" with this amp and be content.

I like to crank it up once in a while for short peroids of time (rocking out) and was told I would not be satisfied long term.

I have a 100 watts of tube power on my original Aerius speakers, it's just right (for my style).
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It will almost certainly drive them, and drive them beautifully, but whether it is to your satisfaction or not only you can decide. Can you try it in your room?
Thank you for your answers; my room is 4x7 meters and I listen to all kinds of music.

Is it only a volume problem or may I have a bad result connecting the Aerius i to the mv55?

What real main sonic difference exists between the Aerius and Aerius i models?

Thank you again.

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Back in 1997 Stereophile ran a review of the Aerius i and in the review Sam Tellig talks about using the MV55.

To summarize, he was not pleased with the combination of Aerius i with the MV55, though he said the MV55 worked well with the original Aerius.

Like the others have said, it is partially a matter of at what volume you listen to music, and what type of music. He suggested two MV55's. IF you can do that, I'm sure it would be a sweet sounding system.



Back in 1997 Stereophile ran a review of the Aerius i and in the review Sam Tellig talks about using the MV55.

To summarize, he was not pleased with the combination of Aerius i with the MV55, though he said the MV55 worked well with the original Aerius.

Like the others have said, it is partially a matter of at what volume you listen to music, and what type of music. He suggested two MV55's. IF you can do that, I'm sure it would be a sweet sounding system.


Thank you.

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