Hello, I run these amps with my Ascent i's. I've posted some comments in my member gallery #172. Please take a look.
I 've compared these amps directly against B&K ST1400II and it was no contest. I have not compared them directly against Krell or others....haven't felt the need to. These amps rock. :rocker: Just need to let them break in.
Adamo, you mention peers. Really nothing comes to mind in the price range. Yeah, I've heard the big boys like Krell, Classe, McIntosh...and dont get me wrong they sound great, maybe a hair better than mine, but do the math

You can get a sweet sounding set of monos, with all the power you can handle, customized options, great service, 20 year warranty, and an actual upgrade path for <$3000 (btw, I bought mine used and upgraded from there

Sonic performance aside, I think its the upgrade path I like the best. 1) lets you spread the cost out over time. 2) Keeps the resale value up. IF I ever get the itch to sell them, I should be able to break even (I see a couple of sets on audiogon right now for about $2400).
Klaus now has some board changes which are getting a lot of good press, so may pull the trigger agains someday when the amps become my weak link.....but....I dont see that happening any time soom.
Reco you look at the Odyssey forum at audiocircle.com and you'll find a ton of information. Loads more than the company website.
Enjoy. :cheers: