Musical 2
Hi. I got into Hi Fi many years ago in order to dream and not be brought back to reality by so many clicks and pops and worse outright distortion. Over the years from my first system ( Quad ESL 57's, Quad 303 and Quad 33 with a Sansui tt / SME 3009, Shure V15) I have had quite a few. In 1991 at a Hi Fi show in Wellington New Zealand I first saw Martin Logan CLS's. Wow! I moved to the UK for some years and bought other systems including the Quad 989 spkr's.
About a year ago on Trade me a New Zealand site like e bay I saw for sale a pair of ML CLS 2's. I listened to them and looked at them and I was instantly in love and remain so to this day.
There is more to listening than just the straight physics of the system. It is quite ethereal looking at the harbor through a device that is sounding so lovely.
My system is as follows:
All components including the speakers are mounted on Townshend Seismic sinks. The turntable is a Michell Gyro SE with clamp and upgraded external power supply. The pickup arm is a SME V5 with an Ortofon Kontrapunkt B MC cartridge using a Trichord Power supply and Amp. All interconnects are Van den Hull The First Ultimate. Power cables are Isotek. Speaker cable is Kimber Kable 4TC with graphite RFI chokes and WBT connectors.
The Amp is Musical Fidelity Nu Vista M3 and Nu Vista M3 power supply. The CD player is a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista 3D. I have a Stax SRM 007t tube amp with a pair of Stax SR 007 headphones.
The crowning glory are the pair of scratched and worn but marvelous ML CLS2's. For all their sonic imperfections they are to me just marvelous. I can float off to the world of dreams for hours.
I do wish that they still made this model or something that looked as gorgeous. I am thus a big fan. Does ML do a refurbishment service at all?
About a year ago on Trade me a New Zealand site like e bay I saw for sale a pair of ML CLS 2's. I listened to them and looked at them and I was instantly in love and remain so to this day.
There is more to listening than just the straight physics of the system. It is quite ethereal looking at the harbor through a device that is sounding so lovely.
My system is as follows:
All components including the speakers are mounted on Townshend Seismic sinks. The turntable is a Michell Gyro SE with clamp and upgraded external power supply. The pickup arm is a SME V5 with an Ortofon Kontrapunkt B MC cartridge using a Trichord Power supply and Amp. All interconnects are Van den Hull The First Ultimate. Power cables are Isotek. Speaker cable is Kimber Kable 4TC with graphite RFI chokes and WBT connectors.
The Amp is Musical Fidelity Nu Vista M3 and Nu Vista M3 power supply. The CD player is a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista 3D. I have a Stax SRM 007t tube amp with a pair of Stax SR 007 headphones.
The crowning glory are the pair of scratched and worn but marvelous ML CLS2's. For all their sonic imperfections they are to me just marvelous. I can float off to the world of dreams for hours.
I do wish that they still made this model or something that looked as gorgeous. I am thus a big fan. Does ML do a refurbishment service at all?