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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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    Room Size ? Esl 15a

    Everyone is different, but I have 13s in a room that is 25’ wide x 55’ long with 9’ ceilings and they do a great job in my space.
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    Commercial Dust Covers?

    I had this company make covers for my components and speakers several years ago. They did a great job.
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    Power Cords for M/L 13a B212 Make a difference ?

    TTOCS, I absolutely love your photos. They speak volumes to me. Thanks for posting.
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    Unusual occurrences in the swamp

    if the humidity is high enough water drops will form. Water and electronics don’t do well together. Glad your system is back to normal.
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    Hello from St. Louis

    Just wanted to say hello and thank you for all the great information on this forum. I look forward to the continued great conversations.