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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hey Jeff, As I've mentioned to a couple other folks I'm not opposed to used, I'm just a bit leary and wanting some direction based on brands others have enjoyed with their ESL/electrostats over the years. I've gotten a lot of good suggestions so now I have some options to explore. I...
  2. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hey there, I'm sure there are a lot of us but may women may just be shy to speak up. Thakns for the warm welcome ! I do love searching the used market but I'm also a bit leary of it to some extent but I appreciate your recommendations. I have heard Parasound just not on Electrostats, so now...
  3. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hmm , I'll have to look into some Carvers, I know of them but I've never had a chance to hear them in person. I appreciate your recommendation. In my experience some women may feel intimidated because it is a male dominated space but I've never let it stop me haha. Thanks for the warm welcome !
  4. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Nice to meet another former Hi-Fi sales person ! I'm content with my Rotel but I heard that Simaudio and it was over haha ! I'll definetely be taking everyones suggestions and seeing how may I can audition. I'm wishing you well on your upgrade journey.
  5. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hey Russ, Nice to meet yet another former Hi-Fi/tech person, I'm sure there are many of us here . I've heard of Bryston but I haven't had the pleasure of hearing them. I'll start looking in the area for some deals. I do like Anthem but I haven't heard them with electrostats so I'd be curious...
  6. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hey ttocs, Thanks for welcoming me ! Its possible that was Rotel a few years ago, my RMB-1585 is rated for @ 310W/Ch (5 channels driven, 4Ω), which I'm not driving all 5 channels, I'm driving 3 channels L/C/R . My issue is that I know the ESL's can sound better..hearing them on that Simaudio amp...
  7. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hi Vic, Thanks for welcoming me. I'll take a look at those suggestions, thanks for mentioning them. My budget is somewhat flexible but I mentioned Simaudio being to much as joke to say , I'm not trying to spend that kind of money ($25K+)...someday but not now. I used to be a Hi-Fi sales...
  8. Mia_G

    New here but not to ML/Amp Upgrades Rec ?

    Hi everyone, I have no idea how I was not a part of this community already but I'm happy to be here now. I'm Mia and I am a former seller of ML and a owner for a little over 6 years. I'm thinking of an amp ugrade but I'm unsure of what may be best. I have a pair of ML ESL's (the base models)...