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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. E

    Anatomy of a high efficiency high output electrostatic loadspeaker.

    A few more points to clear up before I go on further. Originally this was designed as a full range electrostatic speaker. But it ended up as a hybrid with a tweeter because one, amplifiers did not like driving a 4.7uF capacitor. To prevent amplifier destruction, a 3 ohm resistor was placed in...
  2. E

    Anatomy of a high efficiency high output electrostatic loadspeaker.

    A picture of the diaphragm. It is 0.03mm in thickness. I had this lying around for about 20 years, so it is quite crinkled. As you can see the coating is a series of parallel tracks silk screened onto the Mylar. The side edges do not contain any tracks over the areas not directly over the...
  3. E

    Anatomy of a high efficiency high output electrostatic loadspeaker.

    Here is a picture of the other side of the cells. You can see the curvature better. 1. Tabs for connecting bias voltage. There are two of them. The wire he used was bare so he relied on the gas to suppress corona. I would have still insulted them. 2. Damping strip on the stator that is also...
  4. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    I started the thread on it already. One thing to remember all the design criteria depends entirely on the use of SF6. The bias voltages were between 12 and 16kV. There was a reostat on the bias supply to lower the voltage on humid days and increase it on dry days. Even within the the mylar...
  5. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    Ok here is the thread on the Anatomy of a high output high efficiency electrostatic loudspeaker.
  6. E

    Anatomy of a high efficiency high output electrostatic loadspeaker.

    I am starting this thread because this forum in general is host to many people that own electrostatic speakers, in addition to ML made ones. Some even build their own. I own a unique set of loudspeakers, that I had since 1978, and have been non-functional for about 25 years. Did not spend any...
  7. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    Ok the brackets arrived and finally put them together. It got late so i have not hooked them up. I need to make up some other speaker cables since I cant use my Kimber Kable speaker wires yet. The speakers look great.
  8. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    I grew up in a suburb of Toronto. That city probably had many of the best audio shops in all of Canada. As a teenager, I had a nice University sound speaker system I put together from the plans published by that company. It had a 12 inch woofer with Alnico magnet (seems those were amazing...
  9. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    Has anyone replaced the spring loaded binding posts on the Electromotion ESL model? I can't find a thread on that. The ones I found were replacing already nice banana binding posts.
  10. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    I plan to create a new thread, adding some pictures and explaining why certain design decisions were taken. Mike Wright was a physicist and so he designed his speaker sort of like NASA would, not trying to be practical. This is probably the reason why financially the company never made any...
  11. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    Talking to ML service, mine were made in 2014. He said that there were no changes and a new panel should blend well with the original. I should have the remaining bracket early next week at the latest. So no firing them up (I hope not literally) this weekend. The seller is very nice, he will...
  12. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    I know this is off topic, I think I will create a new thread because there is so much engineering involved in the design of those electrostatic elements it would be a shame to loose all that. I havea non-working pair now I owned since 1978. The Dayton Wright speakers were not origionally...
  13. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    Thanks for all your replies. I like projects. Looks like the third set of brackets are being shipped. Maybe I can listen to them this weekend. Since I always dabbled with electrostatics, I have some 15Kv wire, probably 50ft I bought cheap 15 years ago, If I can find it. Talking about cables, I...
  14. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    I am pretty good a repairing anything audio equipment. My favourite is recapping old audio gear. \ I see a small whitish looking area that is less transparent than the rest. I assum this area has arced over? Then there is another problem. I opened up the one cabinet where the wire to the panel...
  15. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    I can't figure out the decoder for my serial number for the panels. They start with CBT0242 and have a two letter suffix.. Maybe someone else can figure it out. I don't really care about posting them here. Martin Logan service quoted me a price for a single and for a pair. So they do sell...
  16. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    What answer I was really after is that I would expect both panels to be the same if they are supposed to be a matched pair. Maybe no one ever measured the capacitance of this model. If they are working then of course there is no reason to dismantle them. I am an engineer, I'd like to know what...
  17. E

    New to Martin Logan, but not to Electrostatic speakers

    Hi, I joined this forum to get as much information on my Martin Logan speakers. I purchased them second hand, because I wanted to start off slow. They are what I consider entry level speakers, Electomotion ESL. Unfortunately they arrived broken. It did not seem a big deal, as I found out that...