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  1. M

    Grotto and/or Depth with Finals

    After Reading over my old thread, I realized that most of what I'm asking has already been very thoroughly answered. BTW, has anyone been over to the Finalsound Forum. WHAT THE...... Certainly not going to get this question answered there.
  2. M

    Grotto and/or Depth with Finals

    Question to those that own either Final Sound speakers or full range Electrostats. If you check out my earlier posts, you see that I own the 400 series finals and was looking for these subs (in the title). Being in a condo, I have to be careful with subs so not to get in trouble with the...
  3. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    akm3, dbakker is right. I've heard more HT systems then I care to mention. The coherence across the front soundstage from the crossoverless Finals is truly amazing. There is no variance in timbre between the speakers. It's all the same sound. He's also right about the fairly wide sweetspot...
  4. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    This is true, but most full range speakers can give you true "dynamic" bass around 60. the problem with full range "stats" or planars, even the ones that claim they can go that low, can't give that same type of bass that even an eight inch woofer in a full range speaker can do due to it's...
  5. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    Again, thanks IWALKER and CHERIAN for all your help.
  6. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    IWALKER. I think I'll take you're suggestion and go with either the 2 Grottos or 1 Depth. the more I think about it, the more right you are. A fast servo (or 2) sub is the (only) way to go.
  7. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    My friend has the 600i's with a proceed amp and jazz and latin music sound absolutely fantastic. Extremely holographic. my 400i center and 150's (as well as a borrowed pair of 400's) sound great with the Monster amp (it's really a Richard Marsh Amp). the only problem is that if you've ever heard...
  8. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    Thanks for the invite, IWALKER. I may someday take you up on it. And I agree wholeheartedly about a proper cannon blast.
  9. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    Thanks for all your suggestions. you guys and this board are really great. I've been looking around for sub options for a while. Everything from a Dynaudio sub300 to Rel britannica's to velodyne spl's. As you know, though the Final Specs say the 400's roll off at 65 and the center rolls at 80...
  10. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    wrote my last reply before I saw you're post IWALKER. I agree with you about the midbass and highs of the final. The system is used mostly for home theater but I do love "clean" bass. I notice that when drums or cannons fire, the Finals are ok but not great. my old subwoofer gives somewhat of a...
  11. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    I heard both subs today. Couldn't believe the depth of the Depth (really wasn't trying to be funny). Even in the demo room, it really shook the walls. I liked the clean sound of the Grotto. The Depth, though, is built so much more solid. my only fear is that even on low, the Depth might be too...
  12. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    Thanks for the reply, Cherian. I'm not too worried about the looks. The fact that I'm using a Monster MPA 3250 amp for the fronts with those cheesy blue light watt meters and a Denon 3802 for a pre-pro should speak volumes about my audio aesthetic tastes. I just want a fairly seemless match...
  13. M

    matching Martin Logans with Finalsounds

    I'm brand new to this forum and to Electrostats. After years of being a loyal Klipsch owner (90% home theater, owing to their transparency), I took the plunge and went electrostat. Boy, am I glad I did. I have a Finalsound 400i center and 150i's in the rear. As much I love these, I was thinking...