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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. A

    Explain Speaker Placement to me like a Beginner

    Hi All - I've had my 13as for a couple years and, unfortunately, about 6 months ago I had a partial panel failure. The good news, is that I was able to get brand new panels (though I had to pay for 1). I've been running them for about 3 months, though there aren't a ton of hours on them. I've...
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    13A Panel Warranty

    Hi All - I have a partial panel defect in my left 13a panel. I've verified with my dealer as we swapped transformers and it's the panel. They are 2.5 years into a 5 year warranty. Does Martin Logan provide panels in pairs for warranty replacement, or do they only provide individual panels? I...
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    Vinnie Rossi L2i SE with MLs

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend! Has anyone tried the Vinnie Rossi L2i SE integrated amp with Martin Logans or other Electrostatic speakers? It has a DHT preamp stage that uses 300Bs, and a 100wpc Class AB solid state amplifier. It also has a voltage switch so you can use other DHTs...
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    Speaker Cable Questions

    After living with the ML Expression 13As for 6 months, and finally getting my Pass Int 60 a month or so ago, I am enjoying my system immensely. As Streamer/Dac/Amp/Speakers are really maximized, I've take a look at finding the perfect speaker cable. First a question: As I have been swapping...
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    Expression 13A rake/placement suggestions

    Hi All - I received my 13As a few weeks ago, but my Pass Int 60 has not arrived yet as it's on back order. As a result, my dealer has loaned me a Krell Vanguard integrated amp to use in the interim. After I received them, one of the guys from the dealer came over to help place and calibrate...
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    Hi Everyone

    Hi everyone - I’ve been deeply into music and audio my entire life, either playing in bands or listening to music. I also had a brief stint as an audio engineer after college. For the past ten years or so, I’ve gotten very into high-end audio. However, my interest was around headphones...