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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. J

    Restore dead panels for $100?

    This thread is for anyone with panels that lost output and shower cleaning didn't help. In this situation there's nothing left to lose so keep reading. I should stipulate that my only experience restoring ML panels was a single small Theater Center Channel rebuild, which may or may not be...
  2. J

    My bi-amp setup & tuning procedure

    To anyone contemplating bypassing their speaker's passive crossover and upgrading to a bi-amp/DSP setup, I say just do it (you will love it). My ESLs are homebuilt hybrids with segmented wire stators and open baffle woofers, but the setup and tuning steps will be similar for any hybrid ESL, and...
  3. J

    Martin Logan Theater center-channel panel rebuild

    A while back I posted an offer to walk someone thru a panel rebuild, for the purpose of creating a panel rebuild guide. Someone took me up on this offer and I've just completed rebuilding a ML Theater panel. The process is unique to the Theater panel but can be adapted to other panels. I...
  4. J

    Help posting a panel rebuild guide?

    Hi all, I have step by step rebuild guide for a ML panel but its too extensive to post in a thread. I put it in a Word File but I can't attach that to a thread. Any ideas! Thanks, Charlie
  5. J

    Anyone still streaming with a Squeezebox Touch or Transporter?

    Just curious if anyone here is still streaming from a Logitech device (Transporter or Squeezebox Touch). If so; you're probably seeing a "QR Code" pop-up message on its Media Server platform. The reason is that will soon be shutting down the link between Media Server and...
  6. J

    Panel rebuild guide?

    Hi all, Occasionally someone posts a thread about an older speaker with low volume and expired warranty, and they end up purchasing new panels ($$ ouch). Panels can be rebuilt if the stators aren't damaged, and with all the DIY'ers on this forum, I'm a little surprised that someone hasn't...
  7. J

    My thought on ESL pros/cons and design challenges

    Hi all, I wanted to post my thoughts on ESL pros and cons, etc... but a post only allows 1k characters so please see the attached PDF if interested. BTW: Considering that I don’t own any Martin Logan speakers (just a fan), the warm welcome I received on joining this forum was a pleasant...
  8. J

    Yet another Ripole sub project

    Hi all, I've built several pairs of Ripole subs in recent years, and I’ve just completed new pair which are smaller and more compact than any I’ve ever built with 12 inch woofers (Peerless SLS). I love the compact size!
 I finished them today and this evening I've been enjoying some very...
  9. J

    Speaker Transport Cases

    Hi all, I've built hard-case transport boxes to protect my Jazzman Mk III ESL speakers during the annual trek to CarverFest in North Carolina. The cases can be carried in the bed of my truck, even if it's raining. The cases are two-piece clamshells made from light-weight 3/16 plywood, with a...
  10. J

    DIY Ripole Subs

    I've just finished building a pair of Ripole subs for a friend who liked mine. These are the second pair I've built, and they turned out very nice. As far as I know; you can't buy them from any manufacturer, but they are gaining popularity on the DIY Audio Forum. The Ripole design came from a...
  11. J

    Malia / Boris Blank - Convergence

  12. J

    Anyone using a DBX Drive Rack PA2 or Venu 360 crossover?

    If anyone is bi amp'ing their ML's with a Drive Rack PA2 or Venue 360; I have some questions about the setup.
  13. J

    My latest ESL project

    Here's a video link and a photo of my latest (and last) ESL; the Jazzman Mk III... enjoy!
  14. J

    Another ESL Project

    Recently I built a hybrid ESL with an open baffle woofer for a friend. One of the requirements was that the speaker pair had to fit into my friend's 2008 Audi for transport, so boxed woofers wouldn't work. So I call this speaker design the "Audi". Below is a photo and HERE is a video of the...
  15. J

    Homebuilt Wire-Stator ESL

    View a full write-up with build photos HERE Speakers playing at Carverfest 2016 HERE
  16. J

    Ripole Subs

    Ripole subs pair up well with ESL's Write up and build photos HERE
  17. J

    DIY Cross-connected Coaxial Speaker Cables

    I use these DIY cross-connected coaxial speaker cables to drive my ESL's. The Teflon jacketed Belden coax cable is rather pricey but the performance is quite impressive. A quote from the cable designer, Jon Risch: “Cross-connection is used to reduce the inductance to an absolute minimum...
  18. J

    System #525 (DIY ESL)

    1. Member Name: Charlie Mimbs 2. Location: Savannah, GA (USA) 3. Speakers: DIY Hybrid Electrostats 4. Year - Cab/Frame built in 2008, newest panels in 2016 5. Mods/Changes: - ESL panels upgraded with segmented wire stators - Amps: Recapped / Service Bulletin upgrades /gold 5-way...
  19. J

    dumb question

    I've never had access to view an actual ML crossover but I've been looking through some ML schematics, trying to understand how to make a passive crossover work in an ESL, and I note that just about all of the schematics show a component box in circuit labeled "ML_DEC". What is this?
  20. J

    Hi from Savannah GA

    Hi all, I'm Charlie from Savannah, GA and this is my first post. I must confess that I don't own ML speakers but I admire them greatly. That said, I do have a pair of homebuilt hybrid ESL's and I joined here to be a part of the biggest ESL community around-- just hope you are all OK that I'm...