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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. sleepysurf

    PML Sound International (ML parent company) buys GoldenEar from Audioquest

    I thought somebody had posted this announcement here, but can't find it... This is certainly good news for Golden Ear, but not necessarily for the higher end line from Martin Logan. I understand that...
  2. sleepysurf

    BalancedForce sub replacements coming

    FYI, per this video (and others) from Cedia 2024, ML is planning to replace the BalancedForce models with two new Depth subs... the Depth 212 and Depth 215... Interesting that they're using the Depth name for these. I hope this isn't an omen that they're cutting back (or punting) on the...
  3. sleepysurf

    Interesting MBL Extreme system (apparently replaced ML Statements)

    Interesting profile of a New Orleans audio/videophile system... 'I could power the Acura Stage at Jazz Fest pretty easily': An audiophile's Garden District home Towards the end of the article he says he might relocate his former ML Statements to one of the movie theaters he owns! He certainly...
  4. sleepysurf

    Sold Perfect Bass Kit ($40 + shipping)

    I have an extra ML Perfect Bass Kit lying around that's only been used twice. I no longer need it because my Anthem MRX 740 also came with one. Hopefully one of you with the newer Masterpiece models (or BF subs) can use it. The kit now retails for $120, but you can have it for $40 + shipping...
  5. sleepysurf

    Double stack ML subs?

    I don't recall seeing this topic discussed here, though I've read about it elsewhere (e.g. Reference Line Arrays - REL Acoustics). For the past few years I've struggled to optimally integrate a pair of BF 210's (running as dual mono) with my Expression 13A's. Frankly, the 13A's, by themselves...
  6. sleepysurf

    BalancedForce Demo

    I saw a post (on another Forum) mentioning a video of KEF's "Force Cancelling" driver technology... How Force Cancelling Driver Technology Eliminates Cabinet Vibrations I thought, hey, ML has been doing something similar for YEARS, firstly with their BalancedForce subs, and lately in their...
  7. sleepysurf

    Suncoast Audiophile Society hosting a Zoom meeting this Sunday with Muraudio

    The Suncoast (and Sarasota) Audiophile Societies will be hosting a virtual (Zoom) meeting on Sun Apr 18, 1 PM *EASTERN* time, with Murray Harman, the founder of Muraudio. He will be joining us to discuss the development of their hybrid electrostatic speakers, the unique challenges it presented...
  8. sleepysurf

    Suncoast Audiophile Society hosting a Zoom conversation with Gayle Sanders/Eikon Audio

    The Suncoast (and Sarasota) Audiophile Societies will be hosting a virtual (Zoom) meeting with Gayle Sanders on Sunday, Feb 28, starting 1 PM *EST*. Gayle debuted his new speaker company, Eikon Audio, in 2018, featuring an active (Class D), full-range speaker system, with (DSP controlled)...
  9. sleepysurf

    New Anthem processors and receivers debut!

    I've been patiently waiting to find a replacement for my 12 y/o Denon 3808 receiver, and looks like it'll be the new Anthem MRX 540 or 740. Details about the new lineup here... Anthem® / Premium Audio Video Receivers & Powered Amplifiers Like their STR separates, the new receivers incorporate...
  10. sleepysurf

    ML has 20% off sale on Masterpiece series

    Just noticed this Summer promotion on their website... Premium HiFi Speakers for Home Theater & Stereo Pretty good deal for those interested in the Masterpiece line (Renaissance, Expression, etc.)
  11. sleepysurf

    How about a Zoom session to commemorate the new site and 13th anniversary of our visit to ML in Lawrence, KS?

    In June 2007, a group of us all got together for a weekend to tour the ML facilities in Lawrence, KS, and visit nearby Acoustic Sounds in Salina, KS. Although Tom, and others, from that original group have moved on to different gear and pursuits, a surprising number of us are still active on...
  12. sleepysurf

    Line Level vs. Speaker Level connection to sub(s)

    ML subs offer both line level (from preamp) and speaker level (from amp) connections. I've always used the former with my BF 210's. However, on a whim, I just tried the Speaker Level connection direct from my C-J amp to the subs, as that's the approach recommended for REL subs (likewise highly...
  13. sleepysurf

    Paradigm Co-Founder buys Paradigm, MartinLogan, and Anthem from Shoreview!

    Wow! Just saw this press release on Sound & Vision... I think it's a favorable development as the new CEO is an industry veteran, and already associated with the brands. Anthem's decision to make...
  14. sleepysurf

    New "ARC Genesis" for compatible ML speakers and subs

    Just got an email notification (from Anthem) about a new version of ARC that is compatible with the newest ML speakers, and incorporates PBK for compatible ML subs... Can't wait to try it! Also found this interesting history about how ARC/PBK...
  15. sleepysurf

    New "Magnetostatic" hybrid speaker design

    Not sure exactly what their technology is, but definitely different (albeit homely :D)... Does anybody know more about this company and design? Their website is scant on details.
  16. sleepysurf

    Podcast interview with Gayle Martin Sanders (ML/Eikon)

    One of the growing number of audiophile podcasts (The Occasional) has an interview with Gayle Sanders, discussing his history with ML, and recent foray back into high-end audio with Eikon Audio, his new speaker company...
  17. sleepysurf

    Anybody using a Salamander Archetype audio rack?

    Since replacing my Oppo BDP 95 with the (taller) 205, I've had to rearrange and crowbar everything into my old StudioTech rack, so looking for a replacement. The Salamander Archetype, unlike most others, offers infinitely adjustable shelf placement, but I'm wondering how stable that design is...
  18. sleepysurf

    New regional audio show in Tampa Feb 2019!

    Those of us in the Southeast will have a new Audio Show to attend next year! Some members of the Suncoast and Sarasota Audio Societies have joined forces to get this going! It's still in the early planning stages, but they already have a number of major exhibitors...
  19. sleepysurf

    Do your ML's portray musicians/voices in FRONT of, or BEHIND, the speaker plane?

    Paul McGowan has some excellent video's addressing various audiophile issues. In this one, from 2017, he states that, ideally, the musicians should image BEHIND the plane of the speakers... Obviously, a lot depends on the recording, and room acoustics. However, I've had two kinds of dipole...
  20. sleepysurf

    Hilarious Woofer & Tweet cartoon

    For all of us who have/had Bubinga Summits...