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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. DrJRapp

    Tools of the Trade

    Let me ask you guys something. After you spend all your hard earned cash on lasers etc to get your speaker positioned with scientific precision, do you have any spare change left to buy a head brace to stay in position? Give me a good old Stanley or Lufkin steel tape and five extra minutes and...
  2. DrJRapp

    New ML Statements Ev III

    I really think that ML does need something with more elan than the CLX to be it's flagship. If the CLX were the best of the best and I could afford it, I'd still forgo the CLX due to it's f ugliness.
  3. DrJRapp

    OPPO BDP-83 Question

    My Oppo arrived on Friday, and I must say that I was very impressed by the presentation. Inside the unique center opening box the unit was suspended in space by black high density flexible polifoam and wrapped in a fitted cloth bag that appears to have anti-static properties, but additionally...
  4. DrJRapp

    What a good integrated amp for Vantage?

    I've told this story before. When I got my Summits, finding a knowledgeable dealer was nearly impossible. The largest local dealer was Sound Advice (a Tweeter subsidiary RIP). I went in one weekend and the apathetic salesman that I drew hooked up the Summits, (which were sitting in a row with...
  5. DrJRapp

    Next Step......

    I've used the Kings in XLR with my multichannel for fact I bought them just when I got my D2. Excellent cable if you prefer the sound of copper (which I do) or unless you are in an area of high ambient RF at which point some of the more sophisticated shielding scenario's of more...
  6. DrJRapp

    I did not fall off the edge of the earth!

    Welcome Back!!! Looks like your friend is single handedly trying to keep Mac in business!:rocker:
  7. DrJRapp

    Amp Power Requirements at Idle

    That is one HUGE air conditioner. 20KW should equate to about 15 tons...which is massive for a home. My home here in South Florida USA, which is quite large has three units totaling 11 tons. My total connected load for these three units is 9KW. The trouble with heat producing amps such as...
  8. DrJRapp

    New to Martin Logan

    Welcome aboard! Ditto here, and I've been doin' this for 50 years!
  9. DrJRapp

    OPPO BDP-83 Question

    That's really not as far fetched as it might seem at first blush. ML is owned by the same eqity group that owns Anthem, so there are electronics talents in the family for both design and manufacture of such beasties! Anyhow, I got notice from Oppo on Friday that my 83 shipped.
  10. DrJRapp

    OPPO BDP-83 Question

    I've read all that and it's a stretch to say that the Oppo beats all of them. Yes, there are traits that the Oppo has that are better than one or the other, but most of those traits aren't really all that important most times. The Oppo is also priced well above many of the units it has...
  11. DrJRapp

    OPPO BDP-83 Question

    Rumor has it that the Cambridge Audio iteration of this player is soon to be released and that means certain industry publications that otherwise wouldn't review this unit because of it's perceived low end stature WILL evaluate it.
  12. DrJRapp

    OPPO BDP-83 Question

    Got my invite yesterday. I've been living with a ROM Samsung 1400 in my dedicated theater for two years waiting for something like the OPPO to hit the streets. Let's hope it lives up to all the hype.
  13. DrJRapp

    A technics sl-1200 I can live with!

    The KAB mods are great for a pro (DJ) but the arm, even with mods is still quite limiting to which cartridges can be accommodated. Throw in an arm board and a Jelco SA 250 ST arm and now you've started to get somewhere...all for about $1300. Add a Shelter 501 or a Lydia Dorian, with a Lehmann...
  14. DrJRapp

    Vacuum question

    That is not what the website says that vacuuming is most effective when the speaker is left unplugged for 6-12 hours. I myself don't take that as emphatically implying that there isn't other ways of doing it. The procedure of shorting the panel power supply is described in all ML...
  15. DrJRapp

    Vacuum question

    The trouble with that is, since the panel is essentially a big capacitor it is able to hold it's charge overnight in low humidity.
  16. DrJRapp

    A technics sl-1200 I can live with!

    Will any of that stuff work with the AT Pl120 I wonder? Do they have a Rega armboard? Like to try my RB1000 on it.
  17. DrJRapp

    Vacuum question

    Yes, it works on my Summits. It takes about 30 mins for charge to dissipate this way. Sounds weird as the mids and highs still play for awhile but the lows don't without power to the woofers.
  18. DrJRapp

    What Happened to Audiogon???

    I'm getting the same thing...a kidnapper called "network solutions" interrupts trying to sell a washer and drier. There is a link to audigon on the upper left that doesn't work.
  19. DrJRapp

    Missing the music

    Hey Gordon You're wecome here in Stuart West (Palm City) Fl any time you want. We're ALMOST close enough for an evening session, cretainly close enough for a weekend day trip. I'm also a gourmet chef ! PS...did you see the shuttle launch yesterday? Quite a sight isn't it.
  20. DrJRapp

    Clarity and Vista. What's wrong?

    The 1075 is class A-A/B. It is an adequitely powerful amp, just a bit grainy and rounded on the top end. It was voiced on B&W's with titanium tweets...nuff said.