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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. P

    Best surrounds for my Spires?

    The FX and FX2 use a single woofer with two FMTs on the sides, not the reverse of of what is said. this is after lots of play time with traditional dipoles, bipole designs. this curved design provided a more seamless affect versus drivers that where in tangent to each other. A little...
  2. P

    New Montis speakers DOA. Very disappointing

    Yes, as my friend in Costa Rica can tell you nightmares of what shippers can do, once goods are picked up from the factory, stuff happens. There has been no changes to the QC process that you saw in Kansas to the point the same quiet room that was in Kansas was installed in Canada. Now that we...
  3. P

    AXPONA in Florida coming up soon

    Hello MLOers, Dennis Chern and I will be appearing with an over the top system comprised of 5 CLX, 5 Depths, 2 Descents with a stack of Krell, Transparent and 1/2 inch tape for the fun of it. Hope to see some of you there. The link to the event for more details is
  4. P

    Martin Logan drawbacks/negatives?

    Just an FYI, at a recent CLX Truth in Sound event, John of Peachtree and I used a Grand Integrated with stunning results at a that dealer show. He also demoed hi rez versus 192K compressed stuff, followed by questions about what people liked. Shockingly, many liked the compressed. The point...
  5. P

    New Motion design

    Yes, the Motion 10,12 have reached the end of their life but the Motion 20,40 will step into that space. These are not simply redoes but new designs, based on the LX 16. We go to a more conventional design so they may be less controversial and used anodized aluminum cones versus doped paper...
  6. P

    Unpacked a pair of Stylos after 10 years - strange issue with the ESL panel.

    it is most likely the 50 versus 60hz issue and unfortunately a power converter wont help unless you can change the frequency with it. Most don't. Please contact ML service for parts needed to convert your speakers. Not hard or expensive to do, but i believe at the root of your troubles.
  7. P

    CLXs at Las Vegas with new Anthem power amplfiers....

    We initially planned to use cjet250 and 5 for the pre along with the Berkeley dac but a half an hout into the show the 250 lost a channel. Figures as there where several issues adding grief to the time which is very typical. We ended up using the Berkeley as the pre as well as some sources...
  8. P

    What speaker cable/wire do you use

    Also should be noted. CLX is a single wire product, no need for biwire. if one owns a cable set configured as bi wire, sum the legs together onto the single posts. Gordon has an excellent comment. Cables become part of a system only when attached and given the great variety of equipment out...
  9. P

    5.1 setup w/ Motion LX16s?

    I think you are on the right path with the 6006 and its pre outs to the amp. Marantz seems to have a hot hand this year in the reciever wars so go ahead as a better more reasonable alternative to separate pre pros at least in these rapidly changing times. The speakers aren't fussy about power...
  10. P

    5.1 setup w/ Motion LX16s?

    already on the radar. the Lx 16 is goiing to have some brothers coming to fill that middle area. ces starts next week remember. the package you describe sounds stunning when all put together. we may finally be getting our act together on entry level, non esl based systems that sound, look...
  11. P

    5.1 setup w/ Motion LX16s?

    yes, we made an error on order entry and as of yesterday, fx shouldbe on the way. Yes, you did get a pair of cherrys intended for another who has been waiting quite awhile as the cherry finish caused some delays. that too has been rectified and the long waiting customer shoulkd have them soon.
  12. P

    Summit X to CLX - is it worth it?

    the filter takes in consideration the natural roll off of the CLX and the best hand off from the sub so works nicely. this not to say plenty of patience, different room issues, equipment signatures may make it unnecessary or that some other settings won't work as well or even better. in the...
  13. P

    Summit X to CLX - is it worth it?

    then you have no filter on the Descent. Experiment if you can with single ended to the R/ inputs so you can experiment with the filter points on the Descent for more blend option as well as the ability to experiment with a CLX x over board installed over riding the bottom filter position. just...
  14. P

    Summit X to CLX - is it worth it?

    I think your last comment here is directed at my comments on your hookup of the Descent i to the system. Again, running a balanced cable to the sub means that it is hooked up to an unfiltered input(LFE) and as result, the subs filter is not in line. You are using the SMS 1 so can be affecting...
  15. P

    Hooking up a Depth sub to a Denon AVR-990 receiver

    in further reading you may have a dead input. warranty will take care of that. But, to correct or better, enlighten, we do recomemd using all 3 inputs for movie/music systems. since music typically won't sound great with the typical 80 hz .1 asks for so by setting your processor to "ultra"...
  16. P

    SBW or jumpers?

    good on the lack of upcharge for biwire so do that. But, a couple of hundred for jumpers? just get a couple of left over chunks of good cable and make you own for essentially pennies. It won't take much to better the metal bridges that are on there.
  17. P

    Hooking up a Depth sub to a Denon AVR-990 receiver

    on the Denons speaker configuration, you need to say yes or both for the LFE to be active. test with materail with .1 data, like a movie. our owners manual will go through it all in depth including a method that allows you to have two different leves/xovers for music and movie listening. 3...
  18. P

    Why does the Martin Logan Sounce NOT sound like an electrostat?

    don't forget to check if the power supply connectors are seated in the sockets. takes a bit of a push. Also a tip on the tilt. Remove the heavy base, remove the rubber plugs and you will see threads that will take the spikes. this is a 6.5 degree tilt that was a great compromise that i use...
  19. P

    SBW or jumpers?

    since the theos is passive, you will probably gain from a biwire configuration versus a bridge assuming your choice is for the same cable quality in biwire or single wire configurtion. IF the cost of the biwire is high versus the single wire version, that might jump you to a better cable which...
  20. P

    Summit X to CLX - is it worth it?

    thought you would like them. Don't forget, the CLX opitmized xover board is only seen on R/L inputs, not the LFE. The balanced connector on a Descent is an LFE input. there won't be issues on noise or gain since you have control on the subs to offset the gain seen from balanced configurations.