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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. P

    Mounting options for LX16?

    Omnimount will have threaded bar options that fit the threading of that speaker. Stands i am not sure on as the speaker is bigger, heavier so should be stable on a traditional stand.
  2. P

    HT CLX set up article

    OK guys settle down. I flew out to his house twice. As you may expect my first visit was to move speakers around for the photographers. my second visit was to finish set up and continue the tuning. I have one more follow up to finalize some details but be aware that certain obvious things...
  3. P

    Choice for Motion center?

    The SLM will now be the better choice because of bigger drivers/passive radiators. Both will have a practical bandwidth that is very similiar so budget and cosmetic will be deciding factors here. How about the 8? probably the best overall choice for cost/performance but it is certainly deeper...
  4. P

    Choice for Motion center?

    Wtih 60% of movie sound on that center, i don't want to shortchange that. the 30 has a 5 degree slope on one side so you may place it low with its drivers angled upward to help with that scenario. Bigger drivers, more air volume internally over the SLM means it can be crossed lower and have...
  5. P

    Martin Logan CLX side wood panel behind the bass panel is a but loose.

    Give Dana a ring or email at ML and he will forward the instructions on that issue. A little dissambly is required to get at the connectors for that board, but all of our products are designed so that customers can preform service if not to challenged by simple tools. Given the long lenght and...
  6. P

    Choice for Motion center?

    given your directives, the 30 is the choice. The SLM is for challenging install demands with its extrememly shallow cabinet but will ulimately be limited in dynamics and bass response as compared to the 30. Good buy on the LX 16, a great little project that resulted in the 20, 40s, 30s based...
  7. P

    Horror! Last night earthwake made this to my CLX stat panel...

    Glad you are ok Roberto, can't lose you as a ML hero. Give Dana a call to make him aware and if there are issues, we can help. Hope all else is good and no other damage in house.
  8. P

    CLX Truth in Sound Tour updates

    Next up for our CLX Tours if the the Magnolia Design Center in Grapevine, Texas on Wednesday September 12, and in the Dallas location on September 13. Allan and I will be there to answer any questions, play CLX.
  9. P

    ML with Devialet Premier

    I have not. I am sure the power would help so see no negative other than cost.
  10. P

    Martin Logan Panel Repair Available In Germany

    We do care. WE all are aware of the situation and if one can wave a wand, this wouldn't be a matter at all. I am not in ownership of that wand so can not comment directly on actions, but know that none of us on this site like it. To be honest, some of the dialogue has dipped below reasonable...
  11. P

    ML with Devialet Premier

    i have used the Devialet as shows a few times with excellent results, but i am not sure what your purpose is here. The Descent drivers are optimzed for very low frequency operation and as a result, would not be very good for use up to the frequency range of the panel. Result will be a big...
  12. P

    Electomotion ESL owners opinions please..

    easiest way to make Spire, Montis vertical is to remove the front post completely. the spike will thread in for about 1 degree of tilt, adjust accordingly. you are essentially lowering the front, not raising the rear. As to raising them, Mapleshade, Home Depot tiles, etc, are out there and...
  13. P

    New Logan earbuds Mikros 70

    Yes, we missed our chance to buy Stax when it was recenty picked up for essentially pennies by a Chinese company. It was actually talked about but the chance had slipped by us. As to this initial toe in the water effort, they are a not an off shelf design. Body was designed by Carl and crew...
  14. P

    Transparent MM2 Power Cable for CLX

    I need to jump in here. This product comes at a surprise to us as no one in our office has spoken to Transparent about loaning or selling CLX to them to accomplish the tuning they state to make. As there is use of ML logos, we are going to reach out to them for clarifiation. This is not a...
  15. P

    Is my Stage center channel panel working?

    to dmusok: As the panel is flat in the vertical plane, it would have a very narrow dispersion once the wavelengh matches the dimension so we cross to the tweeter to open it up. Otherwise, it would be very directional and make is tough when the speaker is usually below a screen, above, etc...
  16. P

    Panel Replacement?

    Ok guys, i have been following this and need to jump in. First, given the short time he had them and the question of when the dent could have occured outside of his view, we are opting to replace both given the good relationship that we have with his dealer and trust of their staff. if it is...
  17. P

    CLX Truth in Sound, THE Show

    []Hello All. Dennis Chern, East Coast Sales, has sent some notes and photos on a couple of his recent CLX events. We continue to add more dates so make sure to visit the site for updates. Both Dennis and I will be at THE Show on June 1-3 in Orange County, CA so hope to see some of you there...
  18. P

    CLX Truth in Sound Tour Dates

    Just a heads up folks. The new season of the Truth in Sound Tour is going with Dennis Chern at Audio Advice on the 10th. I am actually surprised that all of you ML fans haven't been more vocal about this and both Dennis and I are sort of missing some MLOs there. Check the ML website for the...
  19. P

    Best surrounds for my Spires?

    it is for that reason that the FX and FX2 are built in the way they are. Think of the them as a very large sounding point source with the woofer providing more localization for multi channel music but the tweeters off axis to throw a big airy dispersion pattern for surround effects. the nice...
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    Best surrounds for my Spires?

    guess that answers it best, from an end user. Of course we do our best to blend disparate technologies for complete solutions for multi channel. We couldn't have matched very well with a dome tweeter in the surrounds and FMT does a wonderful job of having that detail and dynamic ease that...