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  1. P

    New Balanced Force 210 and 212 subs!

    a lot of dealers asked about it, but according to the product guys, it was a one off that took big efforts to seal and was expensive and that we did paint the interior and removed the damping, something that we won't do for a working product. fun, but impractical. sounds great, hope you like...
  2. P

    ML Clarity Dismantle

    contact Dana at ML service and he will send you a guide on how to remove things. the NACs had little pin switches to turn them on and off and they had some glitches.
  3. P

    Enclosures for in-ceiling speakers…

    the Helos was designed with the free air of a wall or attic in mind and putting a box around it will cost power handling and bass response. there is another item out there like the Dynabox, but the name escapes me that can fit it and yet allow the free air loading that allows the speaker to...
  4. P

    Trouble with SL3

    they do. it is a size that was also used for the Sequel and with the numbers of them out there, will be produced for a long time.
  5. P

    Sub for my EFX?

    can i trade mark the "Crawl"? One tip you might add to this, once we find the great placement and adjustments that help you is to add mass to the top of the woofer and make sure you spike it. Don't use the wireless option if you can run a decent cable.
  6. P

    Audio Gurus?

    You are right, they are not in my territory, i am just always concerned. The non legit sites coming out of the woodwork, exist for a bit and then disappear. I will move this info forward so we can all be absolutely right on who is behind it.
  7. P

    Sub for my EFX?

    Simply using the dollar figure to assign a quality is dangerous. The 700 sounds great and does use things like the IME to make for a very linear product. of couse going up can get you same gains, but i am personally a very value oriented guy and like to see that people maximize the potential...
  8. P

    New video for PBK (Perfect Bass Kit) from Martin Logan

    understood, but given the very interactive nature of bass with your room, we will concentrate on this bandwidth, let the market take care of total system integration.
  9. P

    Audio Gurus?

    They are not an authorized ML dealer, and do not recieve product close out or otherwise from us, thus negating any warranty possible. These kind of sites pop up all the time, claiming access. Since they are getting goods, if they can at all, from dealers sideways we are under no obligation to...
  10. P

    Sub for my EFX?

    The 700 shouid work very well. I am assuming you have it oriented with the driver going forward? The flippy trick we have on the 700,1000,1500 are there to provide more flexibilty in the pursuit of matching with different mains. once oriented forward, it will have a little smoother hand off...
  11. P

    New video for PBK (Perfect Bass Kit) from Martin Logan

    No, PBK is set up for the lower frequencies. We don't have plans for a full bandwidth version and believe that is best dealt with in the preamp side of you system. We aren't planning any electronics as our hands are full enough. PBK is licensed from Paradigm and their ARC is full bandwidth and...
  12. P

    New video for PBK (Perfect Bass Kit) from Martin Logan

    Yup, the PBK flattens the woofer/room interface and then one must match to the mains through conventional systems. that means PBK first, then what ever master EQ system you may have. Since the sub will be seen as flat, your mains system will not touch it too much. as to the balanced force...
  13. P

    Help with Sequels

    To the ML service question about, the sale of ML has little to do with suppliers being able or not able to supply parts built outside of ML. We will always strive to help, but as speakers get way out there like origonal Sequels, (intro in 1988 if i remember) there may come a time where a repair...
  14. P

    Martin Logan EFX as rears??????

    No question that the majority use it as surround and is its most common use, but we have also displayed them as stereo mains at shows to remind people that they can be used up there. A speaker can't tell if it is a gunshot or a violin nor can it tell it should only do surround. I will ask to...
  15. P

    Martin Logan EFX as rears??????

    Two things: One, yes, place them upside down so your panel and head alightnment works, been doing that for years. Two: misconception. They where not designed to be a dedicated surround but just as a speaker. By all means use them for fronts!. Plenty of time where one can't get a floor...
  16. P

    Another shakeup at ML?

    and yes, that issue was brought up again at last months end of year meeting. We got the whole run down on the costs and we where truly losing money on them to the point we where at risk of closing that division or shortening availability. it would actually be a good example of how things...
  17. P

    Another shakeup at ML?

    I have to get in here. Paul is from ML, has done a great job and is simply taking his well deserved place in terms of bringing more ML to Paradigm, not the other way around. He, like the rest of us at ML in the field, cut his teeth in retail, managed his division superbly. He has done a great...
  18. P

    New Balanced Force 210 and 212 subs!

    Sad to say, not doing RMAF do to dealer going small, not pinning a room till too late to get anything i would want. Will be at the Bay Area where i hope to have near product items at, but we will see.
  19. P

    New Balanced Force 210 and 212 subs!

    I couldn't be there on Friday due my kids gradutation, but was there noontime Saturday onward. I didn't have the subs there as i was helping a new dealer of mine (Pacific Coast AV) so didn't want to go over the top. Montis on some Herron gear that was a nice warm sound.