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  1. P

    Neolith Purchase Order Has Been Placed

    You and me both buster. a bit of fun does't hurt anyone and we like to have it as well. enjoy sir. you don't need my help, just wanted to give your fingers a rest.
  2. P

    Neolith Purchase Order Has Been Placed

    I am, just trying and keep the arms distance factory involvement demands. Gary is having fun with a new toy and we love it. The speaker is not very difficult although being all passive it is a bit harder than some powered items. Gary is simply maxing out the outputs and even with 1.2K, you...
  3. P

    Motion 30 Question

    yes. with the 30 on up, we use a 2 1/2 xover design so that you don't have lobing issues as you move across the front of the speaker in terms of sitting. Most that use a MTM design can sound hollow at different sitting positions. On the Motion 8 on down, we use a more traditional xover design...
  4. P

    Neolith North American Tour

    There are two pair of these that will be moving around the country(s) so hopefully we can get something scheduled up there.
  5. P

    Neolith North American Tour

    hello Noah, Dennis and i have done a bunch of shows using Mac at many of them. A suggestion is to try the 8 ohm tap. Many (not all) times, the 8 has had the biggest soundstage, best dynamics. good looking rig, should sound dandy. Enjoy and have fun with Dennis.
  6. P

    Dead Balanced Force 210

    First question is did you call ML service(785 749 0133)? Dana and staff will do their best to diagnose over the phone. As to failures out of the box, we do a 100% QC on products like this, first for sub assemblies and then the completed unit so it left ML working. All manufactures do their...
  7. P

    Home theater planning advice

    it sounds like you have good overall listening distances which makes vertical dispersion less critical so the people on the back bar should be fine. Also, EFX can be mounted upside down so that you can work with the panel length to make sure you have good coverage vertically for the two rows...
  8. P

    Home theater planning advice

    a couple of observations. Vanquish has proven to be a hell of an in ceiling beaten our estimates, but Edges have no disadvantages. I can' speak to exactly why the edges may not have worked as well as it can at a BB, but i have to assume less overall wall volume in those small cells they put...
  9. P

    Anyone have the MartinLogan BalancedForce 210/212 subwoofer?

    no, there was no plan to do different filter boards for the Descent, Depths other than the one for the CLX. For the Balanced Force, one can go to the ML site, download a filter for almost any ML speaker made over time and load to the woofer. As we are now in the digital domain, we can even...
  10. P

    What is the sonic difference between the Summit and the Summit X?

    I have to respond here to an assumption that some have jumped to. In an earlier response to a thread about the goods announced at CES and some disappointments about a lack of high end news, my response was that there where some things coming that might make some happy. I did not say that a new...
  11. P

    New Summit X...maybe???

    This statement about a compromise for WAF is wrong. WE went active on the bottom end for several performance advantages. One, it allows us to match woofer and amp parameters exactly, second, It allows us to shrink cabinet volumes to relieve possible ringing caused by large cabinet walls. Third...
  12. P

    Good Bye Mr. Bob Gassel...

    thanks Roberto. A shocker and a pity as Bob was as you describe him, a nice, caring man. He also added many years of experience and insight. Tough to replace.
  13. P

    Any new ML models in 2014?

    a couple of corrections: $899 retail, single oval woofer, Ethernet/DLNA compatible, also piece of wire and optical input. Should have enough ways to get music into it. has a sub output with reeq for the unit when used for flatter response when used with a woofer. Single woofer as it is silly to...
  14. P

    Any new ML models in 2014?

    Guys, we are ALWAYS working on stuff and there has been lots of pie in the sky discussions, conjecture from idle chatter, etc. All that i can officially say without getting killed is that we have a pretty good plan covering the near future. Never as fast as anyone wishes but some dreams do...
  15. P

    Question about picking up Montis from the store...

    they may be laid on their sides. I have transported them many ways and they can handle it. get those suckers home!
  16. P

    Blown EFX speaker

    just contact Dana Brown at ML ([email protected]) and talk to him about what is possibly up. We make the product in a fairly modular fashion so customers with minimal skill should be able to repair in the field.
  17. P

    Question on CLX and Subs

    just an update. 210s, 212s are just now shipping with only a few in stores. it takes some time to filter to all zones.
  18. P

    Question on CLX and Subs

    this is a bit more of answer directed to Roberto. The balanced force subs will use a downloadable filter for the CLX and other MLs that can be put on a USB stick (included) then loaded to the woofer. We are, i believe up to 44 different MLs in the filter library. I recently did a show with...
  19. P

    :: waves :: New member needing some help

    All of them have been voiced to generally work well together as you would suspect. Yes, the c2 will have more dynamic capabilities and a bit more bass than the 30 but is deeper so check you fitments. Also, remember that there is a 5 degree slant for one side of the C2 so if it down lower in a...
  20. P

    New Balanced Force 210 and 212 subs!

    all signals will simply be summed in this case. Remember, the LFE inputs do not have any filters on it so it can be set by your processor (80 hz typically) and then set a level that makes sense with the movies. only twist is potential bass coming from RL if the speaker setting in the processor...