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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. J

    CLX odyssey begins.... now!

    I find the Concept to be very interesting, particularly at that price. Do you have any issues with feedack at higher volumes?
  2. J

    CLX odyssey begins.... now!

    Sorry for the delay getting back here. The CLX Arts in black ash are ordered! if all goes well they will be here next week. i am getting really psyched. Also starting to go through some withdrawl. I am using my Mcintosh XCS320 surround speakers as my mains and they are just not cutting it...
  3. J

    CLX odyssey begins.... now!

    Thank you guys! I am finalizing the sale of my current speakers, which should be wrapped up early next week, then the order goes in. I am going to get black ash CLXes. My dealer said 3 weeks, but after reading this thread, I'm resigned to them being here when they get here! I am a McIntosh...
  4. J

    CLX odyssey begins.... now!

    Hello all. I just joined this forum. I read through this rather interesting thread. I am ordering new CLX Arts next week. Very excited! I've been wanting to get these for months. Jeff